Chenle himself is just on another couch, munching some chips.

"You look hopeless.", Renjun said as he handed her the bowl of popcorn, which she requested.

"I can take your insults far too well. Nothing can beat Minhyung's you're grounded phase."

"You deserve it.", Jeno muttered from the other side, which made her gasp out loud.

"You know you should be thankful that I invited you in, and get blessed with my presence!"

Jeno can just roll his eyes and say, "On a good side, you can wash off your liquor intake from these past days. Your liver's barely breathing."

"Did my liver tell you that?"

Renjun snorted, "Stop attacking Jeno; you know how he is when worried."

"Ugh, I wanna go out!", Areum pushed herself up with a pout. "Help me."

"Auto pass", Jeno yanked her legs away from his lap and was about to walk away when she held his arm.

"I'll do everything you want.", Areum batted her eyelashes.

"What I want is for you to let your restriction pass."

"I'll buy everything you want."

"New sports car"

Areum scowled, "Fake friend."


"You guys, bicker somewhere else!", Chenle whined. "And noona, you can ask dad about it. Hyung can't disagree with him anyway."

Jeno's eyes widened. "Le, you did not."

"LELE, THAT'S WHY YOU'RE MY FAVORITE!", Areum squealed and launched herself at the younger, who pushed her face away when she was about to kiss him.

"Though you three will come with me", she grinned.

"No", Jeno immediately replied.

"We won't drink! Actually, you won't be with us, literally, Jen, just in one place."

"I think I know what she's talking about", Renjun said after a few moments of silence. "We'll go to your race, Jeno."

Areum sported an evil grin and evilly laughed, "Correcto!"

"What, no! And why now, you never go to the race!"

"You said the Jaemin I might know is a racer."

"Oh no", Jeno shook his head. "Not him."

"Yup, Minhyung also said that! Te veo luego people, I'll talk to my dearest papa!"

❥๑━━━━dance with the devil━━━━๑❥

Crowding bodies, bright lights, and loud engines under the night sky.

The huge racing track is a new wonderland for her, her eyes round and sparkling on everything she sees.

"Renj, don't let her wander around", Jeno came up to them after securing his car, "Areum Soleen."

"Yeah? Oh yeah yeah, good luck, my Jenjen!", she beamed and playfully kissed his cheek, then whispered, "Is he here?"

Jeno rolled his eyes and pushed her away by her forehead. "I'm here to race, not to get banged. And please do me a favor and behave, hm? What did you even tell your dad?"

"He trusts you with me. Everywhere I go, if you, Renji, and Lele are coming with me, my permissions are magically agreed."

"Whatever, and Chenle, I have snacks in my bag. You guys can eat them."

"Good luck, hyung,", Chenle giggled.

"Don't get hurt, okay?", Renjun smiled.

"Mhm, thanks", Jeno flashed an eye smile and glanced at the girl who's obviously on a hunt, "Soleen."


"Sol, I'm going down."

Areum faced him with a wide smile and nodded. "I'll cheer for you! Win, okay?"

After another hour and the race almost starting, Jeno drove to the starting line, where fourteen other racers were lined up.

On his left is the all-too-familiar car—blood red and midnight black—and the well-known Na Jaemin on the racing track.

Their eyes met, and a smirk curled on his lips almost instantly.

"Nice to see you again, Jen!"

"I'm not!", Jeno replied with a forced smile. "How did she even meet you?"

"You're saying something!"

Jeno just looked back at him and shook his head. "Watch your back, Na! I might bump you to the side."

Jaemin just laughed. "That'll be a good game then."

And with the pull of a gun, the race started.

Louder cheers deafen every ear, and names are being yelled.

One distinct name caught Areum's ears almost instantly, and then, snapping on the large screen, she saw him.


"He's here! Le, he's here!", she loudly spoke.

"I know; I'm hearing his name like a mantra."

Areum just smiled, and her cheers for Jeno faded. With her eyes daunting on Jaemin's car like a locked target.

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