Part 2

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"The signal is stronger this way to" Anakin said. He and Obi-wan had been traveling for about an hour, following Rex's signal. Now, after a lot of running, they were close.

The pair spotted a clearing ahead. They entered to find Rex preparing a fire.

At the sight of them, Rex stood and saluted. Anakin laughed.

"No need for that Rex," he told his captain. "We're on an unidentified planet, not a battlefield."

"Yes sir," Rex replied, relaxing. As the two Jedi sat down, he pulled something from his pack.

"Before you arrived, I was investing the forest for anything that might be helpful," he said. "Most of the plants were unfamiliar to my scanner, though so was able to locate a few edible varieties."

He passed the scanner to Anakin, "The few things that the scanner did recognize didn't make any sense."

Anakin checked the scanner's log, " Felucian shrubs, Naboo flowers, miniature Wroshyr trees," he looked up. "There are plants from all over the galaxy here!"

"And what's more, is that none of them are an exact match," Rex said.

"Is it possible that we are in some sort of garden?" Obi-wan asked.

"I doubt that General," Rex replied. "The plants here are definitely wild. There is no evidence of a sentient hand."

"Whatever caused it, it seams as if-" Anakin froze, listening.

"I sense it too," Obi-wan said.

The two of them scanned the forest, watching.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Anakin said, just as a group of soldiers charged out of the forest, straight at them.

Bad Feeling About This, A Star Wars/Fractures Crossover.Where stories live. Discover now