Chapter Three

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Rachel wasn't sure how long she was out. But what Definitely surprised her, was what she heard as her mind began to wake. She was sure it was a dream at first. As she was sure she could hear Lady Gaga getting increasingly louder.

"Cisco, turn that crap off!" Santana growled. Why was Santana here, Rachel thought? Certainly odd that she was a part of the dream.

"Why? It's Barry's favourite song. We can play Rachel's after!" the person who Rachel guessed was Cisco argued. "I do love some Funny Girl." He adds. How did he know her favourite musical? "Or I can play some of your guys songs."

"Cisco, I swear to god." Santana says in an almost threatening tone. Yeah, that was definitely Santana.

"How do you know both their favourite songs?" An unknown female voice asks. She was asking the right questions.

"I looked at their Facebook." Cisco replied. Yeah that would answer it.

Rachel finally felt her body begin to regain itself, and she shoots up, her eyes bolting open as she looks around frantically.

"Holy crap!" Santana yells as she runs over Rachel, taking her head into her hands as she looks over her. "She's up!" She calls.

"Dr. Wells, you probably want to be in the cortex right now!" Cisco yells into his phone before chucking it down and begins running over to Rachel, but then Barry also shoots up in the bed next to Rachel. Rachel looks over at him, the feeling of confusion increasing every second.

"Barry?" Rachel asks. Barry brings his attention to Rachel, who looked just as confused. This comforted Rachel slightly, that it wasn't just her.

"Rachel, it's okay." Santana says softly, taking Rachel's hand in her own. "You're okay. You're in Star Labs." She tells her.

"Why am I in Star Labs?" Rachel asks, pushing away the strawberry blonde woman who was shining a torch into Rachel's eyes as she nearly fell to the floor as her feet touch them.

"What the hell is happening?" Barry asks as he also pushes himself off the bed, trying to push away anyone who came close to him.

"Take it steady you two." Cisco says. "You've been in a coma." He tells them. That had stopped the two in their place and turns to him.

"How long?" They both ask in unison. Cisco shares a look with Santana and Caitlin.

"9 months." Santana answers for him, not seeing any point in sugar coating it.

"What? How?" Rachel questions, her voice tight and soft at the same time as she stumbles back slightly, Santana catching her.

"You were both struck by lightning." Cisco tells them. Rachel and Barry look at each other as the their last memory comes racing back. The two had been struck by a bolt of lightning the night the particle accelerator had gone critical. Barry turns around to the mirror behind him and furrows his eyebrows.

"Lightning gave me abs?" He questions.

"You're muscles should of deteriorated." Santana comments.

"But your bodies seemed to have gone into a chronic state of cellular regeneration." Caitlin finishes for Santana who was whizzing between the two trying to carry out some form of medical examination.

"Dr. Snow, I think our guests are too confused for a medical examination." A voice calls from behind the group, everyone turns around to see Harrison Wells, but he was not stood up, but instead was sat in a wheelchair.

"What are we doing here?" Rachel asks Dr. Wells.

"Well, nine months ago there was an anomaly within the particle accelerator. The storm had interfered with the integrity. In turn, the particle accelerator exploded. Filling the air with dark matter that flew across Central City. What happened to the two of you, is yet to be determined, but we want to ensure there was no adverse effects from the mixture of the lighting that could of been infused with the dark matter. This is all just a precaution." He smiles politely.

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