Chapter Two.

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Rachel had barely listened to Harrison Well's speech when she had noticed her old friend. Well, friend might of been too kind. Santana was barely nice to her back in McKinley. Hell, she was one of her main tormentors. But, when Glee Club had come around the two seemed to atleast tolerate each other for the most part.

Rachel wasn't even sure how the girl she knew back in high school was here, at Star Labs. Although, she had barely kept in touch with her. Or anyone in Glee Club for that matter. Well, apart from Quinn. The blonde had actually kept in contact with Rachel, something she was extremely thankful for.

But she was surprised that Quinn never brought up that Santana worked at Star Labs. But, she had never asked.

"Rachel?" Iris' voice brought her back to reality, and Rachel finds both Iris' and Barry's eyes on her. "Are you okay?" She asks.

I... Um..." Rachel stumbles, but before she could form a coherent sentence, someone brushes past Iris, and she jolts slightly as the strap around her arm is now gone, and the figure was now sprinting.

"Hey, he's got my bag!" Iris yells. Barry spins around and instantly chases after the thief. Iris sighs as she jogs after them. Rachel was going to follow, but didn't see herself being of any use, and brought her attention back to the stage. She was certainly surprised to see Santana looking at her, with what Rachel assumed was how she looked when she had noticed Santana.


After the press conference, Rachel found herself waiting around, watching people talking in small groups. Harrison Wells was doing the rounds, saying hello etc, and Rachel had noticed some of the other employees were doing the same.

"If I was a betting woman, I'd of put seeing you here at one in a million." An all to familiar voice calls from her left. She turns around to find the Latina, her arms folded.

"Santana Lopez." Rachel says, turning her body to face her. "Well, I could say the same about you."

"Well, it's actually Doctor Santana Lopez now." Santana corrects with a degree of smugness in her voice, which filled Rachel with a feeling she hadn't felt since high school. The mix of annoyance and anger that the Latina seemed to instill into Rachel.

"Wow, that's certainly not what I expected." Rachel admits.

"Yeah, well it turns out when I actually care about my classes, I know my stuff." Santana shrugs. "Dr. Wells headhunted me after I got my Doctorate." She adds, as if she was showing off.

"It's obvious you have done well for yourself. I didn't know that Louisville University had such a prestigious academic record to be able to associate with someone as innovative as Harrison Wells." Rachel responds. And Santana could feel the anger bubble inside her that Rachel Berry always seemed to set off. She always made sentences twice as long as they had to be.

"Yeah well, he wanted the best. And I'm the best." Santana responds. "What brings you here?" She asks.

"I'm here with some friends." Rachel responds, noting the split second grin that ghosted across Santana's lips, but was surprised that Santana hadn't made a jab at her.

"So, I've heard from Quinn that you're on Broadway?" Santana questions

"Was on broadway." Rachel corrects. "Our last show was last week."

"Zoe Murphy right?"

"Yeah, believe it or not I went for Alana. But they thought I'd make a great Zoe." Rachel tells Santana. She wasn't sure why, though. It wasn't exactly a necessary piece of information.

"Oh I believe it, Berry." Santana winks, causing Rachel to smile.

"So, what do you do at Star Labs?" Rachel asks. It seemed the more the two talked, the anger they use to have for each other was quickly disapating.

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