Prolouge I have to go

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When Clark woke up on that Saturday morning, he knew he had something to do. Just as the sun began to rise, he began to walk in his fathers field that he knew might become his if he stayed in Smallville. As he stood in his fathers field, thinking about his new destiny, he could hear his mother approaching in the distance. As his mother kept creeping closer and closer behind him he kept searching for the words to let his mother down slowly. When she was only a foot away the words escaped her mouth," I have to go."
"We both new this day would come eventually," his mother sighed looking into the distance,"we just never knew it would be this soon."
When Clark went to stare at his mother, she was already smiling at her son. As to show how proud of him she was.
"Do you know where your heading?" She said, breaking the silence.
All Clark could seem to get out was the word,"North."
"Remember son, always remember.." said Clark's mother before embracing him in a giant hug before they said their final goodbyes. For now.

Hope everyone liked the prologue. This is my first story so I really would live to get a lot of feedback for my first chapter. I just want to see the appeal and feedback from the first chapter and after that I'll change it or make more.

Love everyone

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