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More winterwidow cuz
i love them<3
For weeks Shuri and Peter have been working on a very special project.

The Memory machine

Needs a cooler name but whatever
What it basically does is you attach these  sticky wire stuff to your head then you get put to sleep,The machine will pull out your memories and show it on to a screen in 4k quality so that the person who is watching can help you with the memories.

They specifically developed this machine for Bucky but maybe if it works well and has amazing results they might make some more and donate the machines to hospitals to help with other patients who suffer from memory lost

One problem.
There's alway a problem.
They haven't tested it yet.

So that resulted in Peter having to knock Bucky out and him and Shuri pulling Bucky by him legs to the set up and lifting him up and locking him in place. But just before they were gonna sedate him he woke up.
"What happened? What the!"Peter use the pole he conveniently had in his hand to knock Bucky out again.
"Nice."Shuri said high-fiving Peter.

She sedated him and now were ready to connect the machine to the TV.
"What are you two doing!"
In the door way in all their glory was Tony and T'challa. The rest of the team followed closely behind.
Caught red handed
"Turn it on turn it on!"Peter panicked
Shuri quickly turned on the TV and they all watched as Bucky's memories started to fill the screen.

'I'm with you til the end of the line pal.'
'Sergeant James Barnes of the 106'
'Готов соблюдать'

Screams from the memories echoed throughout the room Everyone was watching Bucky's memories with sympathy for him.
All of a sudden the screams stoped and now the screen was filled with something red.


A girls voice.
A girl with red hair

Natasha was holding in her tears she couldn't cry now everyone would know.

'James what are you doing here? they're gonna catch us!'the mystery girl whisper yelled
'I don't care about them I missed you'
'I missed you too but we've got to be more careful' The girl said now They could see her eyes as Bucky in the memory got closer to her But her face was still blurry.

Strikingly Beautiful Emerald Green eyes stared back through the screen.

"Is she a girl from the 40s?"Wanda asked Steve
"No,Sure he had a thing for red heads and dated a lot of girls back then but none of the girls he dated had green eyes.Trust me if one of them did he would be talking about it non stop and they would probably we married.Plus no one called him James"

Natasha smiled a title as the comment Steve made.
Her and Ja-Bucky did made plans to run away together and get married one day but that dream was crushed by Hydra and the KGB.

In the memory they were about to kiss but was interrupted by the door crashing open and Guards taking Bucky and the girl away.
'Say goodbye to your little Soldier,This will be the last time you see each other'

And that was that
Bucky jolted awake Breath Heavy and sweating.

Shuri quickly went to help him get up while Peter went to get the clip boards to right down the results
"Sergeant Barnes You good?"Shuri asked "Yea I feel great after getting knocked out TWICE and getting strapped to a machine"
"Sorry for my sister and Peter sergeant Barnes"T'challa said coming to help him regain his balance along with Steve.
"It fine,At least now I got my memories back"
"Yea um who was that girl anyways,Your girl friend?"Steve asked
"Something like that,We never actually label ourselves as a couple but I'm pretty sure we didn't have to"Bucky replied and finally gained back his balance.
"What was her name again?" Sam asked
Bucky was turning around to answer Sam when his eyes caught sight of something or someone.
"Nat-Natalia?"Bucky said with disbelief was his true love,His soulmate who he had forgotten and had lost for years.Had she really been right under his nose this whole time!

"James" That was the only thing that came out of Natasha's mouth.She was now full on crying.She had finally got her soldier back,Her James.

Bucky and Natasha ran and enveloped each other in a tight hug not want to ever let go, Finally after years they were reunited.The missing piece the their heart is now filled again.
Bucky pulled back a bit cupped Natasha's face and kissed her with much passion and love.Natasha kisses back with just as much passion and love.

To say this was amazing was an understatement.There is no word in this universe that could describe how Natasha and Bucky were feeling.

Finally Together and Free.
Just them and their friends.
No threat against them.
It was just perfect.

"This is so cute,It's making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside"Wanda said quietly to vision not want to interfere with the moment.
"That's exactly how I feel whenever I'm with you my love"Vision pulled her close and they shared a sweet kiss.

"Are they breathing?They've kissing for a long time now I'm concerned that their gonna pass out"Scott Whispered yelled to Clint "Don't worry the both have some form of the super soldier serum in them their fine"Clint replied with an actual genuine smile on his face happy for Natasha.She has been through so much in her life it's nice that she finally has someone who can relate to her and who she can rely on.

"He's still got it,his Natural charm that always wins over the ladies.At least this time it's someone who I actually know.They're perfect for each other,In Every way"Steve said  happy that his best friend had found someone.And he knows for a fact that this relationship is gong to last.

Bucky and Natasha pulled back after a while staring lovingly into each other's eyes.
"Я люблю вас,Natalia"
"I love you too,James"

This is proof that I can write emotional one shots!

I know I normally go for funny but this one really just warms my heart<3

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