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"I asked her out to Hogsmaede." Peter told the group as they walked together back to the common room.

Remus's jaw dropped. "You did?"

"Peter Pettigrew everyone! Just asked a girl out!" Sirius announced loudly but thank god it was only the four roaming the halls, Peter sent a glare but couldn't help but to smirk.

Fuck yeah, He asked a girl out!

Marianne pulled Wyatt away from the crowd, completely interrupting him, he sent her a playful glare and she just shrugged and smile apologetically.

"What is it?" he asked,knowing its something important because she's sharing it in a quiet side of the hallways, where little to no students walk at, "Peter asked me to Hogsmaede!" she whispered excitedly.

Wyatt's face dropped a bit, his lips tangling into a frown. Marianne's face dropped in concern of his reaction, "What's wrong?"

"Marianne, it was always the two of us to go to Hogsmaede." he comments.

"So? This is just one time and it's a date from my crush!" Marianne exclaimed quietly.

"You met him for two weeks." Wyatt gawked.

"What?.." Marianne whispered, confused and angered by his reaction. She knows that if he was asked out by his crush to Hogsmaede she wouldn't be so upset- that's what friends do right? Would do, at least.

"Peter's a nice guy." Marianne scoffed. "Oh please, he's friends with the marauders, he isn't special for being a decent person." Wyatt said, without thinking.

Marianne scowled, "What is wrong with you?" she grumbled before leaving him standing alone there as he was slapped with sense and regret. He didn't mean to say those things, but he wouldn't deny it was all lies.

Marianne scowled all the way to her dorm. What was wrong with Wyatt? He should be happy for her! Finally she's getting involved, she's finally getting some of her day dreams to life. Shouldn't that be how your friends should react when you're finally getting some action? Be happy for you?

Marianne settled that he was just some bitter, sad guy who focused on nothing more than his studies. Maybe it's because of the sudden change. She'll admit it is scary that suddenly it wasn't just Wyatt and Marianne against Hogwarts and have been welcomed to a new friend group. She'd understand how scary that is since they'll meet new people, maybe he's just paranoid she'll forget about him. But thats no excuse for his reaction.

Wyatt walked miserably to the library, ultimately rethinking what he had said to Marianne. What was wrong with him? His outburst was wrong but what he said was, to him, true and right but he shouldn't have said it bluntly.

He returned to thinking about the feeling of jealousy, as he sat down and boringly looked at his open book. Why was he jealous? I mean, Marianne is making new friends, shouldn't he be happy?

His train of thoughts were quickly cut off by Remus who sat in front of him, "You don't mind do you?" He asked shyly.

Wyatt opened his mouth but nothing came out so instead he nodded.

"What's bothering you? You've had that awful scowl since the first day we've met you." Remus said, not looking up to Wyatt as he opened a book on Potions.

Wyatt eyed Remus, who still busied himself by studying and taking down notes immediately from the book.

Wyatt looked around, fighting with himself whether to talk with Remus or not.

"It's just-" he shrugged. "Marianne and Peter?" Remus answered for him.

Wyatt knew he couldn't lie,especially not to Remus who was already staring at him as if he knew everything Wyatt didn't know about and would use it against him.

He sighed and looked down, another scowl forming in his face.

"Why'd you ask if you already know the answer?" he scoffed.

"Well, everyone knows the answer mate." Remus sighed.

"Marianne..." Wyatt inhaled, "she's lovely ain't she?"

Remus smirked, "Bet she would be even lovelier if she loved you like the way she loves Peter." Remus said sadly.

Wyatt couldn't argue, it's true. It would be much lovelier if Marianne loved her the way she loves Peter.

"You can't bubble up your feelings forever though, Wyatt." Remus said, finally looking up to him.

Wyatt raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"If you stay quiet about your feelings..." Remus looked behind Wyatt for a second.

Wyatt saw this, however, and turned his head slightly to see where his eyes darted for a second to see Sirius looking around for someone.

He then looked back at Remus with wide eyes. And he just gave a weak smirk, "You might blow up and make everything worse than it is."

Wyatt was about to ask him about what he had said until they were interrupted by Sirius.

"Remmy! Wyatt, lovely to see you two here. I knew the two of you would get along well, nerds." He chuckled, ruffling Wyatt's hair.

Wyatt yelled at him to stop which earned a glare from the librarian.

He sheepishly mouthed a 'sorry' and turned to Sirius who sat next to Remus with a glare.

"So, what're we talking about?" Sirius looked between Wyatt and Remus.

Remus looked up to Sirius and there! Wyatt seemed to notice he had that look- the same look he saw on Marianne when she stares at Peter- the same look he saw James give to Lily even when she was scolding him.

That atrocious, infectious look of love.

He wanted to throw up. Why was everyone falling in love around him? And when he did too, it was an unfair shot from cupid.

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