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[Multiverse Found]
[Pinpointing Timeline]


[Hollow Knight - Vessel]

The cold harsh winds did not stop it. No mind to think, No will to break, No voice to call out suffering, born of king and void. It was the code of all vessels, but the pure one... has failed.

The vessel looked downwards, down into the dark abyss that was the entrance to Hallownest...

And Fell.

"HOLY-!" Most of the audience yelled out.


Landing the vessel looked down at the ground. The weaver web-like cracks covered it. Examination of it's chitin showed no damage whatsoever.

The vessel grabbed it's broken nail and walked forwards, slashing at the grass. Soon it came across a bug, slashing it four times an orange mist came out of it.

The vessel's shell darkened.

"Why is he so worried?"

The vessel soon found a broken wall, slashing it broke down. Looking a the spiked floor, the vessel jumped and slashed downwards. The recoil allowed the vessel to cross unharmed.

Jumping down a pit, the vessel landed and turned around. A statue with a chest in front of it entered it's vision. Opening the chest the vessel found a charm. Grabbing it, the vessel twitched.

The vessel tightened their grip on the charm. The vessel left swiftly, getting to a giant door.

One slash, two slash, three slash, and a couple twenty more!

And the door crumbled.

"What the? How did? What?" Where the various forms of questions that some audience members had.

Walking out of the broken pieces, the vessel gazed and spotted a town, the vessel dropped down.

Walking the vessel passed an old bug, to sit on the bench. The vessel gazed at the charm, and put it on.

Hopping off of the bench the vessel dropped down the well.

Skipping to Greenpath:
Vengeful Spirit acquired
False Knight skipped

"That was a weird shaman..." "Yeah, snails are weird."

The vessel trekked through the greenery, spotting a red cloaked figure dashing backwards.

"Wait I'm just now realizing that it is referring to Izuku as "Vessel" is there an explanation?" Tokoyami asked.

"Play Hollow Knight lol." I said

"You will come no further little leaf! I saw you stalking me the second you entered this place!" The red cloaked figure announced drawing her needle, pointing it towards the vessel.

The vessel's head turned diagonally at the name. Was Leaf their name? The vessel looked at their cloak, it fit with the leafy theme of Greenpath.

"This old kingdom... A terrible thing awakens. I can smell it in the air...
I know what you are. I know what you'd try to do vessel. I can't allow it!" The red cloaked figure dashed towards Leaf.

"Now it's referring to Deku as Leaf..."

Leaf quickly drew their nail, bringing it down upon the needle. The metallic surfaces clanged against each other in a parry.

The red cloak threw their needle, witch Leaf dodged and hit the red cloak. What Leaf didn't expect was to be hit from behind.

If Leaf could feel emotion, it would have been "surprise". The back of their mask cracked. The needle was now being pressed on the top right of his right eye. Silk wrapped around Leaf digging into its chitin. The needle pressed down harder, and a lengthy crack filled the air.

"Izu/Deku!" Was shout out by most of the watchers.

"Gah!" The red cloak held her arm over a large gash. Leaf stood still, void dripping out of its cracks, swirling around it. They looked at the red cloak. Red flames were in it's eyes cascading upwards in a slope.

Leaf slashed again, the red cloak failing to parry. Leaf's strikes were now much more powerful. The red cloak looked around for an answer, before looking a the charm. "Fury of the Fallen," she spat out, "what other reason to your sudden strength..." she threw her needle, and zipped out of the arena.

The quiet muttering of Izuku could barely be heard.

A vessel's corpse fell down near Leaf. And they approached it.

"Heh, ending this here... stay tuned for part two!" I said to the readers.

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