doktor turn off my minecraft inhibitors

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it was 1944 i had recently returned to the war field, I only came to save my
I had been wounded after taking a shot to my leg
Wait shit this isn't the right story
It was a normal day for raiden, he had been going around stabbing people
using his HF blade
He had made it to Denver after wounding mistral and blade wolf pretty badly,
but they would surely survive the stabs
He was fighting some of the cow bots and the American police and making his
way into Denver and to the lab with all the children's brains, preparing to fight
sundowner. He was most likely going to kill sundowner as he really didn't like him
due to the fact he fucking killed Obama, after looking at some ads for some
fine wine in Denver, he suddenly got rudely interrupted by jetstream sam,
who in that broadcast decided to talk mad philosophy shit, Which made
raiden sad because he had been killing guys his entire life, and now he
realizes that they had feelers.
he stumbled his way up to the world Marshall main building, he struggled to
kill the grunts because he could only do a shitty light attack that knocked
over the grunts,
He heard a familiar voice
Sam: Not so black and white is it now raiden?
as he fell to the ground due to the mad philosophical shit he received,
a white male jumped to the ground and begun to lecture him about
Minecraft for some fucking reason
But raiden just looked to his right and saw a grunt petting a cat, so that was
surprisingly human of the soldier
Monsoon: Diamonds the dna of the soul, Every living being has dreamt of
getting them but we are always so close yet so far away
Raiden: What the fuck are you talking about?
Monsoon: Minecraft raiden, Minecraft
Raiden: HAhahhahahh
As monsoon thought to himself what the fuck was going on
raiden proceeded to laugh louder and louder and would proclaim himself as the
best minecraft gamer, and they had to inhibit his powers due to being too
Raiden: Doktor turn off my minecraft inhibitors!
Doktor: Have u gone mad you'll di-
Raiden: DO IT!
Doktor: Okay...
Raidens vision gets blurry, in fact the entire mgr cast's vision goes blurry. As the
blurry vision begins to wear out, The colors are a lot more green,
compared to the gray boring colors of Denver, And it had seemingly lost its
shapes, and seemed way more cubic. As their vision returns to
normal, They did indeed find themselves in a blocky world.

the mgr gang goes to minecraftDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora