The bond hittar the wife

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He tar på sig hiss swagest jacket and puts on his snabbaste brillor. Sen takes he his bueatifullest traktor and gör såhear *snap* (med båf hands). He gases schithard and drives to the blomsteraffär för its there all the ladies is. He parks utanför the blomsterängar and makear sure the ladies vet att han har arrajvat. When he går in in the blomsteraffär he cheks out alla b-rudar. Det is very många. But only en is the en. They har e little chitchat about his mordade cows. Hes very SAd.
"Romeo? Varför is you Romeo?" He säger about his cows. You know, he måste get pluspoäng form the en. Så he låssass att it wasnt him that mordade the cows. She faller for the bond. And they live happily ever efter. But the secret of hans mordade cows är...

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