•Chapter 6: "Wangshu Inn"

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Walking from Liyue to Mondstadt, sure wasn't a good idea. My legs feel sore and my back hurts for walking straight for hours. I thought that I would reach Mondstadt this evening, but that seems impossible.

Maybe arriving to Mondstadt (if I still continue walking through the midnight), will be in the morning. Or afternoon, if Im slow enough.

And there's no way I still have the energy to set up a tent, Im very tired. But from afar, I saw a large tree?.. Wait, a building?.. What is that.. Am I starting to imagining things since Im drowsy?

I decided to pull up myself to walk a bit more to get a better look at the figure. 'Oh, its a building, build in a tree. Wait, a building? What if I stayed there for a night so I can continue tommorow??!' I thought as I fastened my walk pace towards the building.

I was welcomed with a garden of silk flowers that have little umbrellas as decorations once I arrived, it was lively. I smiled at the sight, giving me calmness and more energy.

I continued to walk, going up a little stair. I looked up on the building, it was huge. Looking around my surroundings, there were a lot of docks. This seems to be a inn since theres also coffee tables near the docks.

It was night, almost midnight, so it was quiet outside the building. But the little hanging lights filled the air and made a beautiful scene of the inn.

I looked to the left of the building, there was a elevator. But then I looked to the right, there were stairs. I thought again, 'Should I take the stairs or the elevator?'.

At first I thought of taking the elevator, since it takes less time than taking the stairs. But then after looking at the docks near the elevator, this elevator seems to be used for delivering the docks up to the other floors of the building.

Then I thought again, 'Im too tired to climb up the stairs. Afterall, there's no one around and it should be fine.' So I took the elevator.

Arriving on the upper floor, there was a woman in the counter which seems to be busy with some papers. I approached her since there was no one here except for her.

When I stopped infront of her, she got suprised and stood up. There were eyebags under her eyes which are noticed well, she needs some rest.

"A-ah! Im sorry, welcome to Wangshu Inn!.. How may I help you?.." She greeted me with a tired smile.

'My guessings were right, this is an inn afterall.' I thought. "May I have a room for a night here?" I asked her.

"Ah, sure." Was her response as she shuffled the papers to find something. She found what she needed, it was a contract.

"Please, sign here as a confirmation. And also, read it carefully before you sign on it..." She said as she handed me a pen to sign on the contract. The contract was a confirmation of having a room overnight.

I read it carefully, it was just a normal payment. So I signed on the contract. I handed her back the pen. I also opened my backpack to find the amount of mora that is needed for the payment. Once I found the exact amount, I handed her a bag of mora.

She untied the bow on the mora bag to count the mora. "This is as much as needed, thank you!.." She thanked me.

She then handed the room key and explained the way to the room. I bid my goodbyes and thank you to her then left the counter to find my room.

My room was 414. I searched each floor for it, but ended up on the top balcony. It has a nice well view, but I got tired by the breeze that passed through me. I countinued to search for my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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