"Ohh, what's with that smile?" Camille's mom, Rebecca enters the backstage area.

Camille bit her bottom lip and tried to hide the smile from her mom. "What smile?" she asks her mom, even though her smile was obvious.

"Well, I saw you watch that segment and when you heard their theme, you had a glow to you." Rebecca replies.

"Well..." Camille begins. "I know one of the guys in that group." Camille smiles at her mom, as she sits down.

"Is it a guy that... you like?" Rebecca asks, interested.

"No!" Camille exclaims, waving her hands, signaling no. "It's just that..." Camille looks left, right, and at the door, before speaking again. "Can you not tell, dad this?" she whispers to her mom.

"You're not pregnant right?" Rebecca asks worried, like she is prepared to have a heart attack.

"No! Of course not!" Camille exclaims.

Her mom sighs in relief in reply.

"One of them asked me out on a date for the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony..." Camille begins.

"Alright, and what makes it so bad that you can't tell your dad about?" Rebecca asks her daughter.

"My date is Dean Ambrose." Camille spits it out.

Rebecca eyes widen up as she heard the name. "Dean Ambrose? Is it the same Dean Ambrose that had that confrontation with Mick Foley last year?"

"Yes that same guy that I call an asshole when he shoved me out of the way to go find Mick." Camille points out to her mother.

Rebecca looked at her daughter with a surprise facial expression. She considered Dean Ambrose to be dangerous and unpredictable. She has seen Camille date a few guys that were lovely to bring home to mom and dad. But, Dean does not fit that bill at all. Rebecca realized why Camille didn't want her to tell her husband about this. First, Dean was older than Camille by nine years! And second, Shawn might not like the fact of her daughter going on a date with a man that could possible have her killed. To Camille, Rebecca was the more understanding parent. Shawn was difficult to talk him into things.

"Camille, I just want you to be careful. You know that you're probably going to have to introduce Dean to Shawn this Saturday right?" Rebecca points out to her daughter.

Camille sighs in response," Yes, I have been aware of that. Besides, I just think it might be a one time thing, you know?"

"Alright, just be careful with him." Rebecca tells Camille, as he goes for a hug.

Camille accepts the hug, and hears the door open. She sees Phil and her dad coming in.

"Hey, sorry I took so long. I was just giving Phil some advice for this Sunday." Shawn says as he pats Phil on the back.

"That's fine; I was just having a talk with Camille." Rebecca approaches her husband and kisses his cheek.

"About what?" Shawn asks, curiously.

"Just about this storyline... you know... death is such a horrible thing." Camille lied, as she stands next to Punk.

"Camille, think of the bright side. It's over Sunday!" Phil tells the eighteen year old as he puts his arm around Camille's shoulder.

"I know! Sunday will be great! You're getting your ass beat!" Camille exclaims in excitement as she pulls an AJ and skips out of the room.

Shawn, Rebecca and Phil look confuse. Phil knew that there was something up with Camille and he was going to find out. Punk picks up his druid costume for the segment later tonight and picked up his urn, throwing it up and down.

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