Chapter 1: what did you call me?

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After first period me and Bridget went to our second period class. me and bridge basically have all our classes together except for gym class the class I loved more than math.

I just had to wait one more period for gym. I was walking into lunch room and I bump into some. eww she touched me I heard the girl say. I learned to ignore those kind of comments I really didn't care and plus I'm not gross. I take a shower. Every day god dammit.
I ran over to the. Table me and my friends usually sit in. I ran to the corner and Bridget, Mary, Marco and cole. I sat down next to Bridget and looked at my lunch. ugh it's smells like.... like ugh I don't even know. I pulled down the skirt I was wearing. I had pretty much put effort in what I wore today and I took me like 3 hours to get a decent looking outfit. I was wearing a black skirt with a white tee-shirt and a black scarf with combat boots. omggggg Bridget screamed I love your outfit she said. thanks I said with an overly confident smile which I shouldn't have on.
I couldn't stand the smell anymore I said and ran to the garbage and threw out my food. Bridget and Mary both looked. At me and laughed. finally the bell rang. only if I had gym with Bridget and not Mary. don't get me wrong I love Mary but Bridget is Bæ. when I got into the locker room I opened my locker and put on my shirts and a pink shirt. Mary put on a pair of leggings and a sweat shirt. Mary didn't like showing her skin. most of the time she worn jeans and sweaters. I put on my sneakers and waited for Mary to put on her shoes and then we went outside. mr. miller was one of my favorite teachers cause he gets me. I was talking to mr.miller about having a varsity soccer team until someone pushes me and I falls on my butt. sorry loser the girl says and I look up and see Jennifer and her friend Bella behind her then the queen bee walks out of the locker room and Jennifer and Bella both wave at her when she comes out. Angelina she was nice..... to people she liked. I was still sitting on the ground and nobody cared. Mr. Miller had left because the last time Jen did this to me he stood up for me and almost got sued by Jen. Angelina walks towards me and I close my eyes ready for her to yell at me but instead when I open my eyes she is smiling at me instead of glaring.
You ok she asks while smiling. umm yeah I say she extends her arm and I grab her and and she pulls me up. thanks I say. Angelina just smiles and walks away. We'll you should go wash your hands now Mary says laughing. your so weird I say and punch her in the arm.
I take down my hair so I can put it into a braid. why do you alway have your hair up or in some weird style Mary asks. I don't respond. I haven't always been in this school I moved here 4 years ago and I am comfortable with the way I'm recognized the only reason I moved to rose wood was because I got expelled from my other school for "bad behavior." we'll are you gonna tell me? She asks I just look at her and shake my head "no." I haven't even told Bridget. I plan to tell her why I moved here 4 years ago but if eellike she would be discussed with me..... mortified.
Ok Mr. Miller yells Were going to play doge ball today guys so umm Angelina pick your team. Angelina starts picking. Cody, josh, Jennifer, Bella, Jamie, Claire, Austin, drake, and........ Hope. when I hear my name come out of Angelina's mouth I look up and smile. I guess this was a good team but why would Angelina pick me. I walk over to Angelina and push up my glasses. Angelina looks at me and asks me if she could see my glasses. I think twice about. Giving them to her but what harm would it bring. she brings them close to her face and then I remember those glasses are fake. Angelina looks into my glasses and squints. your vision is perfectly fine she says. I quickly think...... there for distance I'm not really that blind I guess. she smiles and hands my glasses back to me. let the game begin.

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