{The Tiger and the Sheep}

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Hiro walked out of his home, meeting Kisa at the door.

"Good morning, Hiro!" Kisa greeted the boy.

"Yeah, good morning.." Hiro looked to the side as to not make eye contact with the girl in front of him.

"You ready to go?" She smiled at him, that smile that he loved so much.

"Yeah..." Kisa nodded, grabbing Hiro's hand. Hiro blushing at this action.

The pair walked down the paths of the Sohma estate, sitting in a comfortable silence as they took in the scenery around them.

Hiro stared off into the distance, getting lost in thought. You see, Hiro was getting ready to confess his feelings for Kisa, the feelings he had since they were young. He felt ready after consulting his fellow Sohma's, the ones who were the "experts" when it came to love. In his eyes at least.

"We're here, Hiro!" Kisa exclaimed, looking around at the scene in front of them. This was the place, the place where he was going to do it. The flower garden. This garden may not be very interesting to most, but to Kisa, it was the most amazing place ever. The perfect spot to tell Kisa the thing that has been on his mind for years...

Earlier that week

The brown haired male walked down the cold stone path that led around the Sohma Estate, feeling uneasy.

"Hello Hiro!" A certain rabbit waved happily. "What's on your mind? You seem troubled." Momiji stated, letting a small pout cross his lips.

"It's nothing," Hiro replied trying to drop the subject and keep walking. But alas, the other male persisted.

"Your eyes tell me otherwise"

"Just drop it!" Hiro snapped, looking angry at the rabbit that was now following beside him.

"Fine," Momiji huffed. "I guess you don't want help with confessing to Kisa."

Hiro could practically hear the teasing tone in his voice, oh how he hated it with every fiber of his being.

"What do you mean?" Hiro glared at the boy beside him.

"Oh? So now you want my help?" Momiji gave a sly smile at the younger male.

"Just answer the question damn it!" The brown haired boy snapped.

Momiji gave a light chuckle before finally answering, "If you're that desperate, why not just go ask Haru, Yuki, or Kyo for help?" He stopped walking, leaning forward slightly as to see Hiro's face better.

"For once you're not completely useless." Hiro stated bluntly, as he started walking again.

"Hey!" Momiji frowned, faking a hurt expression, before walking off.

Hiro walked at a semi fast pace, on his way to Hatsuharu for help. Normally, he would never think to ask for the help of another zodiac member, but this was a different story, he needed to confess to Kisa. It was really starting to eat him up inside.

The brown haired boy knocked on the door of the home where the cow zodiac resided. The older male opened the door,

"Oh, Hiro. What are you doing here?" Haru asked, seeming quite confused as to why Hiro would visit him of all people.

"I- I um- I need your help.." Hiro blushed in embarrassment, looking away from the gaze of the man in front of him.

"My help?" Hatsuharu repeated, as if not believing the words that just came out of Hiro's mouth.


"With what?" Haru looked at the boy in front of him.

"With...with asking out ki- a girl.."

"Oh, well, come in then." Haru moved aside, letting Hiro walk into his home.

Hiro sat down on the couch, watching as Hatsuharu sat to the opposite side to him.

"What's this girl like?" the cow zodiac asked, playing along with what the sheep had said earlier, even though it was quite obvious.

"Are you an idiot? You really think I would tell you?!" Hiro snapped at Haru, still not wanting to open up about what he was feeling.

"You want my help on asking out a girl, but you won't even tell me what the girl is like?"

Hiro paused for moment. He desperately needed Hatsuharu's help, even if he didn't want to admit it.

"...she's pretty, with dirty blond hair and hazel eyes. She's quiet most of the time and she really likes to hang out with that Tohru girl."

"Oh, so you're finally confessing to Kisa?" The cow zodiac said nonchalantly, laying back in the chair he was sitting on.

"Huh?! How'd you figure that out just by my description?!" Hiro blushed a deep shade of red.

"Oh, I knew since you told me you wanted to confess to a girl, it's pretty obvious you like her you know."  Haru crossed his arms.

"So you were playing me, just so you could hear me embarrass myself?!"

"No, I just wanted to make sure I had things straight, is all." Hatsuharu looked over the other boy. "You still want my help?"

Hiro nodded.

"Well then, it's not as hard as you might think. I know it seems like a daunting thing to ask out someone you really like. Especially if you're friends. But just breath, alright?" The cow zodiac explained.

Hiro looked dumbfounded for moment.

"So, you're telling me, I came all this way for advice and all you gave me was 'just breath'?!" Hiro yelled.

"Listen, all I'm saying is, be yourself. You and I are different, I asked out Rin in a different way then Yuki asked out Machi, and Yuki asked out Machi in a different way then when Kyo asked out Tohru. So, what I suggest is, take a deep breath and think about how you would wanna ask out Kisa." Haru explained further.

Hiro was silent for a second, thinking.

"You're right, For once." The brown haired boy admitted, reluctantly. "I'm going to go plan something."

Hatsuharu smiled,

"Alright Hiro, good luck." The black and white haired male waved, as Hiro left his home, getting ready to plan how to tell Kisa how he truly felt.

Present time

Kisa and Hiro walked along the flower beds, stopping every once and awhile to admire the different variations of flowers.

Hiro took a deep breath as they approached Kisa's favorite flowers. Right there. That is where he would tell her.

"Hey, Kisa..?" Hiro called, making Kisa look up from the flowers and face the boy.

"Yes Hiro?" Her voice like Honey, giving Hiro that last bit of courage he needed.

"Kisa, I- I really like you, no, love you, and I just wanted to tell you that or whatever.." Hiro blushed a deep crimson, looking down at his shoes.

A small giggle was heard from the girl in front of him, making him look up.

"I love you too Hiro!" Kisa exclaimed, hugging the sheep zodiac.

"Eh? You do?!" Hiro asked, flabbergasted.

"Of course I do silly!" Kisa smiled, letting go of Hiro slightly.

Hiro was overjoyed, he hugged Kisa again. Not wanting that moment to end.

A tiger and a sheep, what a rare and beautiful pair.

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