"What are we looking for Hagrid?" Harry asks the tall bearded man.

"A wounded hippogriff." He responds.

"Why are we always looking for wounded creatures?" The Gryffindor girl questions.

"We just need to find it, so I can make'im drink the remedy. Tried earlier bu'he ran away." He explains. "Just gimme a shout if you find'im. I'll go with Harry, you two stay together." The half-giant explains, gesturing to the both of us.

Hermione doesn't even give me a glance. "Let's just get this over with." She says letting out a sigh.

The four of us part ways part ways into the dark forest.

We continue to look around, Hermione holding a lantern and me waving my wand around after using the spell 'Lumos'.

Making our way deeper into the forest Hermione trips on a vine and falls onto the cold ground. She groans after the impact. I can't help  but let out a small giggle.

"Oh is this funny to you?" She asks me still on the ground.

"A little." I laugh as I offer my hand for her to grab on. She reaches for it so I can help her up. Once back on her feet she dusts herself off while still holding my hand.

I don't think she's noticed.

"Uhm, Hermione."

Breaking from her thoughts, she turns to me with a look of confusion and curiosity.

"You're still holding my hand." I tell her looking down at our interlocked hands.

She immediately lets go of my hand, with a blush painted on her face.

We haven't spoken for about fifteen minutes now, it's getting really long.

Where is that damn hippogriff, I need to get the hell out of here.

I'm desperate to find the wounded hippogriff, partly so we can leave but I also don't like the idea of a vulnerable animal in a place like this. I heard those giant spiders are real bitches.

As we continue walking I notice a familiar ball lying on the ground. It has red and blue stripes.

Oh no. That's Elvis's ball.

I pray that Hermione hasn't noticed it. As if God hated me she bends down to pick it up. "Why is there a ball here?" She asks turning to face me.

"Don't know, maybe accromantulas like to play ball." I shrug.

"Don't be daft, how could they possibly obtain a ball like this." She looks at me as if I were stupid.

"Don't look at me li–" a low growl halts my sentence.

Shit shit shit shit.

Adrenaline runs through my veins as fear settles in me. We look at eachother, her eyes are wide with fear. We frantically look around us, trying to locate the source of the growl.

And there it is.

A pair of yellow eyes creeping through the darkness suddenly become visible.

A freaking werewolf.

"We're screwed. I don't know how to fight a werewolf" She tells me.

"Just stay calm and rational." I try to reassure her even though I'm currently feeling the same thing.

"Easier said than done." She whisper-yells at me. "What do we do?" She asks as the large canine approaches us.

"No clue. Fuck!" I panic, my mind going blanc.

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