chapter 4

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    So far my first class of the year is quite boring. Even after my many attempts, Hermione refuses to talk. Harry is sitting behind me but he's just staring into the air.

It's easy for me to get distracted but I always do well grade-wise. Except in potions, it seems I am unable to read instructions entirely without skipping a part.

As professor McGonagall is explaining how to turn a hedgehog into pincushion I turn my head to the right to see Hermione looking super focused. Even if Voldemort attacked the school she would still be focused on listening to our professor. She's quickly scribbling down notes on her parchment, sometimes scrunching up her nose.

It seems like she felt my gaze on her. As soon as she turns to look at me I look away.

"Now that I have given you the instructions, you will attempt to perform the spell." She says.

Everyone in the class is failing, a fair amount of hedgehogs look like nothing I've ever seen before and some just stay the same. Turning a hedgehog into a pincushion is harder than one would think.

My fourth attempt was the one. Hermione is the only other student that succeded, which professor McGonagall hasn't failed to remind the others.

I find myself staring at Hermione again thinking. "Why won't you talk?" I ask her.

She turns to me "I will not be distracted." She says.

"Not even to talk to me?" I joke

"Bold of you to assume it's a pleasure to talk to you." She retaliates with a smirk, I laugh in response. "Nice one Granger."

I hear Harry struggling to perform the spell behind me.

"I am going to snap this wand I swear." Harry says getting frustrated.

I turn around to face him. "You're doing it wrong Harry, just relax your hand." I tell him, and so he relaxes his hand looking at me.

"That's not the only thing he's doing wrong." Hermione says, her eyes still skimming her notes.

"Well please, enlighten me, mione, what am I doing wrong?" Harry asks.

"You're saying the incantation wrong." The witch answers.

"Here we go again." Harry rolls his eyes.

"Mister Potter, miss Granger and miss Y/l/n, if you insist on chatting together so much, you won't mind doing so in detention." Professor McGonagall reprimands us.

"Sorry professor." The three of us say almost in synch.

"Ten points from Gryffindor and five from Slytherin, and you will assist Hagrid in the forbidden forest after school for detention." The professor sternly states.

Fuck. What if we come across Elvis, I'll be screwed with that know-it-all tattletale.

"This is all your fault." Hermione snaps at me.

Totally unjustified though, a conversation requires more than one person, otherwise it's called a monologue.

"How is this my fault." I ask her offended.

"You're the one that gave into Harry's whining." She explains angrily.

"Excuse you I was just helping a friend, all you did was tell him he's doing it wrong." I retaliate in the same tone now. The bushy-haired huffs and ignores me.

Real mature.


    Here we are. Walking through the forbidden forest, after hours, out of our uniforms. The darkness and various noises of the forest make it a terrifying experience.

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