"Hello Devin" *kiss on the cheek* "Hello Ozan, Hello Ozgur" she said as she lay her eyes on Ozgur, he had grown more handsome in the years she had left him. Ozgur squirm under her gaze. "Why are you shy Ozgur?" Devin teased her, she always seems to be able to read him like an open book. "Nothing, why are you here Devin? Been 6 years since we spoke" he questioned, wanting to end this weird turn of events. "Can we speak privately?" She said as she gave a side glance towards Osan. "Sure" Ozgur said as he lead her to the corner of the restaurant.

Devin proceed to hold his hand. "What are you doing Devin?" He asked incredulously. "I saw the magazine, heard you have a new partner... business and life" she enquired with a seductive glaze. This woman must be crazy Ozgur thought, after all these years she is still possessive about him even though she never returned him the same respect. She broke his heart. "I have no ..." Ozgur was about to retort when she pressed a kiss firmly on his lips. "... need to report to you." Ozgur answered smiling to cover his shock, he knew Devin, this was her way of catching him unexpectedly but he is not going to fall prey. "Oh crazy Devin, do you think I'll be shocked by your crazy antics. I have no intention of playing games with you. If you are here to seek a reconciliation, the ship has long sailed. I am very happy and will never be with you again. Drinks on me, please leave when you are ready" Ozgur snapped as he left her by the table alone, he is sure she is fuming, Ozgur knows her well too, she is crazy and possessive with a desire to win at all cost. How crazy is a woman to dump a man and come back again demanding him after six years just because he is happier. He needs to go home to Ezgi, she will make him feel better.

[the same random park]
Yezim was right. Hundreds of women, one day one will come back, maybe some are more important than her. She is just a novelty, the first woman to not want him, to not jump into pants at the first opportunity. Maybe the novelty is finally wearing off? She cant expect to have a family with someone for the sake of novelty. Ezgi is very upset, with the baby in her womb, no one she can speak to ... Cansu will make her tell her mom and oh what a disaster that will be. She drifted slowly, walking aimlessly to the beach. I need a drink she thought, oh wait, she can't. She is pregnant. This sucks. She wanted to cry but she was so upset that she just sat and stare at nothingness. Numbness.

"Ezgi?" A voice appeared from nowhere. Oh no, who the fuck else does she have to entertain today. "Ezgi! It's me Sedar. Are you ok?" Sedar? What's he doing here? She smiled politely, "I am fine." Please leave me alone, she hoped to say. "Why are you here alone? Did you have a fight with Ozgur?" He questioned with feign sincerity. Oh this filthy man, trying to stir the pot. She will not let him take advantage of her. "Don't worry, he is just busy." She lied again. Many lies today. "Ah, well a leopard never changes its spots eh?" He said with a mocking tone seemingly trying to imply Ozgur is infidel. His sister said the same thing. "He is not ..." Ezgi tries to retort but can't, he did kiss that woman. No matter how he reason, he still kissed her and smiled! She seems so deflated that honestly, Sedar feels a little bad but its the long game now. Ozgur downfall is the end goal and if Ezgi was hurt, it will just be collateral damage.  "Let me send you home Ezgi." Sedar said as he lead her into the carpark. Ezgi is too tired to argue and followed his lead. They rode in silence as Ezgi is absorbed in her thoughts. What will she say to Ozgur later? Should she tell him about the baby? Should she pretend that she not know about the kiss? Maybe he will dump her, she will abort the baby and it will all be a bad dream. "Ezgi! Ezgi we are here. Are you ok? Do you want me to go up with you?" Sedar offered, at least he was nice and helpful. He seemed genuinely concerned. "It's ok Sedar, you have helped me too much ... for the business and this. I owe you one. Thank you." Ezgi thanked him. "Give me a call if you ever need help." Sedar said and drove off.

Ezgi can hear Ozgur from the lift lobby "I have no idea where she is Cansu! I am going crazy. She said she is coming home two hours ago yet she disappeared. What should I do? I am so worried I feel like vomiting" oh Ozgur why are he giving such conflicting signals, does he love me or not? Ezgi thought. She key in the door code and she hears Tesla barking, the door was opened before she could even unlocked. Large arms envelop and squeeze her, she felt ... at home. This, Ozgur, was home. "Oh my dear where have you been? We were so worried. I was going to drive around the city looking for you." Ozgur said, heaving a sigh of relief, he let go off and her and wrap her face in his hands. "Are you ok? We were so worried? Why do you look so sad? Did you went drinking? Did someone upset you?" He said eyes full of worry. Ezgi thought to herself "oh Ozgur, Is the true you? If you were so worried, why were you kissing random girls while I was away?"

"It was nothing. I met Sedar for a walk. It's fine" she said absentmindedly without realising how odd it sounds. Why was she in the park with Sedar alone? Well why is Sedar alone in the park in the first place? She's too tried to think. "Sedar? You are still meeting him? Alone?" Ozgur asked bewildered, he thought she broke it clean with Sedar after they are official. "Umm yup, I went for a check up." She lied again for the countless time this week. "He checked your pussy?" Ozgur asked, his voice up several octaves. "There are plenty of gynaecologist in Istanbul, why did you let him check your pussy?" It does sound weird, letting an ex-love pursuer check her sexual organs is a little odd. "He gave me a discount" she shrugged, hoping her lie works. "My sexual organs are in good condition too" she said with a weak smile, so good in fact, it did what it was supposed to. The worry etched on Ozgur face fell away, he read her smile wrongly and thought she wanted some sexy time, "Well in that case, let's make good use of a good pussy, what you say?" He said as he started to kiss her neck. She moan in response and he took it as green light.

After their round of sexy time, Ozgur questioned her lazily "Baby, tell me the truth, why do you decide to meet Sedar today? Doorman sent me a text that he sent you back" He is obviously jealous. "Its just a routine check up. He is obviously very busy and when he said there was a free spot, I head down. I am sorry i didnt tell you." Ezgi lied, again, seems convincing. Ozgur nodded, the hospital closes at 6pm, why would Sedar opened up his office again, without another nurse just to inspect her? The story doesn't add up but Ezgi obviously does not want to speak about it and Ozgur doesn't want to push her over the edge. He kept quiet but made a mental note to check with Levent.

[The next day at LaGabbia]
Thank god Ezgi is at Laguna today. This crazy ex of his is here again. "Ozgur, I need to speak to you." Derin said solemnly. "Fine, say your piece, stop harassing me and go" "Can we speak privately please, in your office?" She demanded. Ozgur shot her a puzzling look, after 6 years, what matter do they have that is so important that requires a private space to discuss. "Fine" Ozgur has had enough problems caused by this woman, the quicker he get rid of her, the better. Little did he know ... "I have a child" Derin confess as he shut the door, she looked at him almost guiltily. Ozgur was shocked to say the least, he had always been safe even if women had assured him they are on birth control pills, he never fucks without a condom. Sure it takes away some pleasure but it is his number one rule, also it prevents STDs. There are only two women he had fucked in his life without a condom - Ezgi and Derin. Derin has had multiple sexual partners even when they were together, thats why she left when he caught feelings. She hated it when guys become committed. She surely was on birth control pills and even if she was not, how is she sure the child is his? "How ... how do you know its mine?" Ozgur questioned as he cupped his face, this was bad "you have so many partners. It could be any one's?" "Oh Ozgur, are you afraid of being a dad? Or are you afraid this will put a dent on your rosy relationship?" Derin smirked, she love seeing Ozgur squirm and she had hit the nail in the Coffin. "If you must know, he looks exactly like you, dark skin and dreamy eyes." This was bad, very bad.

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