dak mewdiw hmar wlh

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he called her ...
she answered the phone and then mewdiw starts suddenly talking bad about brayan, saying that he's so weird and that he's probably cheating on her. Rose of course didn't believe a thing but, mewdiw was in fact brayan's best friend, so why would he try to manipulate her. She couldn't read him. Suddenly he asks her if she wants to meet next to house in a car minutes, rose created a lie and thrower at him, she didn't want to see a weird person like him.
The next day at school rose told sloopy and brayan about what mewdiw said to her, that he was trying to manipulate her to take her away from brayan.

Sloopy didn't waste a minute and went directly to mewdiw, he started fighting with him "TA MALMOK AWELD L9A7BA BAGHI TCHFER SA7EBT SA7BEK WCH NTA MRID FKEREK"
mewdiw didn't got the guts to say a thing because he knew he was on fault. But because they're good people they just forget and let him.
Brayan was still trying to win rose's heart again, making efforts by sending the first text, complimenting her saying she was pretty, making her feel loved. And she of course fell for that like the first time she fell for him.
The break beetween them ended, both of them were happy about this. You could see in their eyes that they were in love with each other.
The end
(pas vraiment la fin j'attend juste que jas raconte la suite)

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