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"Why are we going?" Legend complains, yesterday he and I were only here for him to meet Emmett and Rose. Now we are here for that blood sluts birthday, Alice stopped us leaving by complaining until we agreed to come. She and Jasper are now facing the repercussions, as in Legend cursed the two. Alice where she feels like a thousand sharp hot knives are stabbing her every time she and Jasper attempt to be all physical with each other, and Jasper had to be there frozen watching his mate writhe in pain.

"I'm surprised you haven't tried to kill this blood singer yet" Legend looks to Rose "Fee I get since she wasn't here for months but you, why?"

"You try having when you have a mind reader and a seer in your coven" he nods her head at her foul mood.

"I'm glad" Carlisle smiles our way "that you two could join us for Bella's birthday"

"The bitch" crossing my arms "daughter of yours kept me and my mate from leaving until we agreed to"

"Besides after this we are leaving" as in say happy birthday then leave, nothing more or less. We are heading down south to Jacksonville, Florida. There we are finding Catalina Dwyer, Bella Swan's step-sister. She's Edward true mate, there I'm going to become friends with her first then Legend.

Legend already has someone for Catalina he thinks she would love to go out with, he's a hellhound. Plus we've been looking at there's this spell, it's in the forbidden section of the library me and Legend met in where you can destroy the bond between two mates. It's forbidden because it can do that, but because Catalina and Edward haven't met the pain won't be as bad. If they did there will be a lot of pain but not if they completed the bond between them.

The spell is very complicated that you need a very powerful being to cast it, those who aren't end up dying along with the two mates because they couldn't put enough power into it. But the plan is simple; a) get Catalina to like me and Legend, b) let her know the truth after she trusts me and Legend, c) introduce her to the hellhound Legend highly speaks of, and d) break the bond between her and Edward.

But first and foremost getting through this birthday party, it's all set up for if you have more guests over. Formal wearing because Alice refuses to having us wear anything other than formal wear, and there's a cake but no one will eat it most likely. Right now Legend is in a dark blue buttoned dress shirt, black pants and black shoes. His shirt has a few buttons opened so it shows off his chest. I'm wearing wearing a black strapless mini dress with ruffles in the middle with black heels.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Present time!" Alice comes down the stairs dragging Bella with her, Bella looks like she's enjoying the attention but also hating the party that's being thrown

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Present time!" Alice comes down the stairs dragging Bella with her, Bella looks like she's enjoying the attention but also hating the party that's being thrown. Ungrateful bitch, that is what she is.

"Let's get this over with" I murmur to Legend, he nods his head. We walk up to Bella, she smiles at us like we're finally accepting her "Happy birthday"

"Happy birthday" Legend then says, we soon leave. Edward stands in our way as we try to leave.

"Move" I growl

"Aren't you two going to stay?" Bella asks

"Why?" Crossing my arms "I've said what I needed to, I'm not your friend, I don't like you" she looks down sad, well tough shit "your nothing but a pet" she looks at me and gasps "so be like a good pet and shoo" I turn to Edward who is livid "move now or I will set you on fire" he doesn't, I then snap my fingers and he falls as flames are on his arm. We watch as Esme tries to put out the fire but doesn't, with the fear on his face Legend and I laugh.

"She did warn you" Legend wraps an arm around my waist.

"Put it out!" Edward screams

"Please!" Bella pleads with is "Please! Your hurting him!" She screams, I think this over and after a few minutes of him screaming I stop the fire "thank you" Bella gasps

"I didn't do that for you" crossing my arms

"What do you mean?" She wipes the tears from her eyes

"You'll see in all good time" is all I say, Legend and I soon leave to go to my old room since Alice not only begged us to stay but this morning she took the screws from our rental car and said she'd give them back after today.

Kol Mikaelson's daughterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن