Putting on an act.

Start from the beginning

Shizuku's leg was fine, not a bruise or bump in sight. Which made shioriko begin to question the look of searing pain the girl currently wore. "Ummm shizuku, your leg seems to be okay. Are you sure it hurts that bad?". "Ooooowww, yes...I doubt I could even walk", the girl cried. "Don't worry, you won't have too. I'll carry you to the nurses office!", Yuu exclaimed. The second year then flexed what muscles she had and carried her girlfriend bridal style. This made shizuku's face grow a bright shade of red that rivaled that of a freshly bloomed rose. Yuu then looked down at her and gave a confident nod. "I promise you, your gonna be okay!". If shizuku wasn't already smitten, this was the cherry on top.

Now in the nurses office, shizuku laid across a table while the woman gave her a check-up. "Well it doesn't seem to be that bad. I recommend just staying off of it and getting some rest". "But Ma'am, shizuku said she couldn't even walk. There has to be something else wrong here", yuu argued. "Hmmm, I don't see any signs of damage. But I guess she can go home early today if she wants to". "That sounds good shizuku, go home and get some rest. I'll be by to check on you later". "Y-you don't have to do that", the actress swooned. "Oh yes I do, I'll be there to wait on you hand and foot", yuu grinned. On the way home, shizuku felt torn. The girl was happy that yuu was finally giving her some attention. Though on the other hand; was lying really the best way to go about things. If yuu or the other girls found out, what would they think of shizuku. Would they be ashamed of her for putting on such a silly front?

Back at her house, shizuku's mother waited with open arms. The woman was worried to death about her little actress; and was more than prepared for the situation. Before shizu knew it, her leg was emerged in a bucket of ice and she had her very own set of crutches. At this point, it seemed like the truth had been thrown out the window. Regardless, maybe shizuku could finally get what she'd been after. Now putting anymore doubts behind her; the actress excitedly prepared for ms.takasaki's arrival. She had her mother pop some popcorn, went into her stack of film classics. Then last but not least, grabbed her favorite snuggly blanket from out the closet. One that was perfect for cuddling. With everything ready; she crawled into bed and made sure to keep up her facade. It was at times like this, shizuku was grateful for being born with acting chops.

Not long after getting things set up; shizuku's mother would knock on her door. "Honey, yuu-chan's here". "O-okay", the girl whispered with a weak voice. Her significant other would then enter the room with a worried look on her face. She then cautiously approached shizu's bedside before speaking. "Hey, how you holding up?". "Alright I guess, I bet your embarrassed that I'm such a cluts". "Absolutely not! In fact I blame myself for this". "Wha...but why!?". "If I would've been a more attentive coach, this wouldn't have happened", yuu sighed. Seeing the look on her love's face made the remorse start to return. "Maybe things were going to far, maybe it was time to come clean", the girl thought. Though before she could reach any conclusions; yuu's next move would further halt the truth. "Would you like me to rub your shoulders, they're probably stiff from all the stress". "Uh-umm, yes please!", The first year squeaked nervously.

Yuu then pulled the girl up and began to lightly work the stress from her. "Does it feel good?". "Fantastic...I've missed your spoiling", shizu smiled. "Hmmm, guess I have been a bit busy lately...sorry". "Oh no worries, you being here in my time of need means the world". While yuu rubbed, shizu would excitedly talk about her time in the drama club. From her favorite roles to the interesting people she worked with. It was a blast just to have her lover listen to the things she valued most. Yuu was always a good listener, it was one of the reasons shizu liked her so much. After a while yuu's arms would get tired; but shizuku would already have the next activity planned out. "Would you like to watch a movie with me...I picked out some of my favorites". "Of course!". Shizu's mom would then bring in the popcorn while yuu put on the first film. Shizuku was quick to cuddle up to her girlfriend while watching. As the movie played; shizuku couldn't help but swoon. She was so happy to finally have yuu all to herself; it just sucked that lies were what created this situation.

Pretty soon, one flick would turn in to about four; and it would be dark outside. Yuu would attempt to head home, but shizuku had other plans. "Guess it's getting late...I had fun today", yuu smiled. "Well why let it end?", the first year questioned. "I would love to have you stay over!". "I guess I could make a quick call to my mom". "Yaaayyyy!!!", Shizuku cheered. With permission granted, yuu would then switch into her pajamas. While laying together, shizuku playfully snuck in some quick kisses here and there. Yuu would in turn play with her long and beautiful brown hair. "You know, I'm always thinking about you", shizu smiled. "I think about you a lot too. I often wonder if my busy schedule bothers you?". Hearing her say this made shizuku realize that she needed to be honest. Maybe it was time to cue her girlfriend in on how she was feeling.

"Well, it has been a while since we spent any time together. And your always busy dealing with the other girls needs. So yeah, maybe it does bother me a bit", the girl revealed. Yuu then looked to the ground in shame. "I figured, I'm really sorry. I'm just trying to make nijigasaki be the best school idols they can be. I should've thought about all that before I started a relationship". "It's okay, I'm not mad...I just...get a little lonely sometimes", shizu blushed. "Well then how about I start trying to fix that…right now", yuu giggled. She then cuddled up next to shizu and gave her a very steamy kiss. After it broke, a string of saliva would stretch from both girls mouths. "Heh, wow...this is a start", the actress giggled. "Well I've gotta make up for lost time, don't I?".

As the clock ticked further, both girls would soon notice that it was now in the am. "Oh man, guess we better go to bed. We wouldn't want shioriko yelling at us tomorrow". "Okay, but I'd like to start doing this more often. Maybe I could even stay at your house tomorrow". "Sounds good to me", yuu nodded. A little later when Yuu was asleep, shizuku would awake with a full bladder. With her girlfriend knocked out next to her; shizu saw no need in playing the part of the sick and wounded. Just a quick trip to the restroom, nothing major. Shizuku would then lightly tip toe out of her bedroom; taking care to step over Ophelia, whom was laying at the foot of her bed. The girl would then handle her business while creeping through the halls like nosferatu.

Once she was finished; shizu decided to head into the kitchen for a drink. The girl would then open up the refrigerator and begin browsing it's contents. "Man, pretending your hurt's a tough job", she said grabbing herself a bottled water. Once she closed the fridge door, the girl would make a horrifying discovery. Standing in the darkness was yuu-chan; this sudden surprise caused shizuku to do a spit take...all over her girlfriend. "Eeeh, oh no... I'll grab you a towel", the first year cried. Yuu then watched as her girlfriend sprinted across the kitchen and grabbed the item without any issues. "So...guess your legs feeling better?", yuu said with an awkward look. Shizuku would then stop in her track's, favoring a deer in the headlights. Realizing she was caught red handed, the idol let out a loud gasp. "Uhh....it... it's not what it looks like!! It actually hurt's, really bad...OOOOWWW!!". However, Yuu wasn't going to fall for this again. The second year would then approach her lover, causing the younger girl to tense up.

"I'm...I'm really sorry... it's just". Before shizuku could say anymore; yuu would plant another kiss upon her lips. One that felt more magical than the first. Once it broke, she would then give the girl a light chop on the forehead. "Yowch!". "Shizuku, your such a drama queen", yuu chuckled. Now more embarrassed than ever; the girl buried her face into the second year's shoulder. "It's alright", yuu said. "I know why you did all this, and I promise to be around more from now on. In fact, I'll be with you so much... you'll probably get sick of me". "That... sounds nice", shizu blushed. On the other side of the room, unbeknownst to the couple. Shizuku's mom watched with stars in her eye's; enjoying this moment like one of her late night soap operas.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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