Pokémon?!?! Chapter 8

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Sora, Lily, and Sarina were just sitting on the couch, in the living quarters of the Gummi ship.

"I am soooooo friggin' BORED!", Sora groaned loudly.

"Just relax, enjoy life as it is...no one's life is perfect" , Sarina and Lily calmly replied.

"Okay, I'll try" Sarcasm could be heard in his voice.

They sat in silence....not knowing what to do...when out of no where the ship got engulfed in a huge portal.

"What is happening?!" They all shouted in fear.

* * *

The trio had been knocked unconscious by the impact.

Sarina woke, and was startled by what had happened. "Wow...that was intense, I gotta get to Sora and Lily quick" she thought.

Sarina found them on the other side of the room. She made sure her friends were alive and, that they were okay. "Well they have a few bruises, but they should be fine. Their limbs, bodies, and bones are all in one piece. Well I'm gonna go have a quick look outside" Sarina muttered.

So she looked out lside and she was shocked...
"Wait a sec...that city in the distance....my clothes.....this outfit is the one I have in my Pokémon X game....Pokemon X and Y......SWEET!"

Sarina rushed back into the ship and had a happy moment. "We're in KALOS!"

Lily and Sora awoke to see a very hyper Sarina running around like a lunatic.

"Wait a sec...Sarina why are we wearing the clothes from Pokémon?!" Lily asked her friend.

"Cause' we are in the Kalos region, and don't worry, I've got overpowered legendary and regular Pokémon, so we're cool" Sarina said, holding a Pokéball in her hand, then she put it back in her purse, and took another one out instead. "Come on out, Dragonite!" Sarina said add she threw the Pokéball up in the air. A dragon materialized and Sarina hopped on.

Lily and Sora were shocked to see the dragon Pokémon flying in the air....with Sarina on it.

"Sarina are you crazy?!" Sora and Lily shouted.

"Unfortunately for us, I like crazy! Dragonite, land then let them get in your back! Talonflame let's fly!", Sarina jumped off the dragon and leaped onto the large bird. Lily and Sora got on Dragonite when it landed.

"You'll get used to it", Sarina told them.

"Yeah, hopefully that's the case" Lily said nervously, she and Sora exchanged glances.

"Let's do it!!" Sarina exitedly cried out.
so we hope you enjoy this chapter...gotta catch them all...there is a halo 2 reference in one line of Sarina's dialog. Halo fans you know what I mean.. bye

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