Michael and his friends were all laughing as Jimmy lay on the floor.

"I can't take this anymore!" Jimmy murmured softly to himself. He was starting to get up when Michael kicked him in the stomach 3 times, hard.

"Ooh!" Jimmy squealed in pain as his stomach contracted. He clenched his stomach in pain.

Michael and his friends all laughed.

Jimmy couldn't take any more. He got up and ran away to the toilets. Locking himself in a cubicle, he collapsed to the floor in both physical and mental agony. Hot babyish tears filled Jimmy's eyes again. He wished he would stop crying. He hadn't cried since his wife Willoe died. Still, Jimmy couldn't help crying now. He wished his life was same as it used to be. He suddenly felt something sharp under his leg. He moved his leg and saw a pocket knife some security guard must have dropped.

Shaking, Jimmy picked it up. He rolled up his sleevs and cut his wrists and later up his arms. He couldn't believe he was hurting himself like this. His fur stained red with his own blood. Jimmy threw the pocket knife away from him and closed his eyes trying to stop the tears escaping. However Jimmy's tears just seeped out from under his closed eyelids. He put his paw to his mouth to muffle his sobs. His ears were flat against his head again and his eyes started to burn red.

Soon, a bell rang meaning that they had to go back to thier cells. Jimmy was still shaking but he stood up, pulling his sleevs down as he did so, and rushed back to his cell to continue crying.

Once inside his cell, Jimmy resumed crying. He didn't care who or what was watching, he just needed to let everything out. He sat on the bed in side his cell, tears gushing down his cheeks. Jimmy once again put his paw to his mouth to silence his sobs.

After a bit he was still crying. His eyes hurt and his wrists ached. His white fur was drenched in his own tears.

A security guard came up to the bars. "Dont you ever stop crying?" He mocked. Jimmy said nothing didn't even turn around.

"Anyway, you have a visitor! I'll just bring them in to see You!" The guard said walking off to get Jimmy's visitor.

That got Jimmy's attention. He had a visitor? Who could it be? Probably just Jerry, though he wished with all his heart it was Porsha.

Jimmy tried to stop himself from crying cuz he didn't want Jerry to see him like that so he turned his back as he heard the footsteps of the guard and the visitor coming back.

"Here he is, I'll leave u guys to it!" The guard said walking away.

For a while it was silence. Jimmy didn't speak, neither did his visitor. He wondered why Jerry wasn't saying anything. Normally he'd blab for hours about how Jimmy was innocent.

Then a voice, much softer and warmer than Jerry's, came flowing through the bars of Jimmy's cell.


Jimmy swung round, despite still crying. It was Porsha!

She just stood there, still in her Clay Calloway t shirt and sunglasses on her head. She was staring at her father's broken form. "Daddy." She said again.

"Porsha......" Jimmy murmured softly unable to believe she was there.

Porsha saw the tears. "Oh daddy!" She said.

Jimmy blushed and turned away again.

Porsha wanst wavered by this. Her Dad would be happy when he found out what she had to tell him.

"Daddy I've got some great news!" Porsha exclaimed.

Still Jimmy didn't turn around. He was still crying and full of guilt.

"Daddy pls look at me!" Porsha whimpered, her eyes filling with tears and her voice breaking.

Jimmy couldn't bear hearing his daughter upset. He slowly turned around to look at Porsha, tears still coursing down his cheeks and drenching his fur wet. When she saw he was looking at her, Porsha rushed over to the bars to be closer to him.

"What are you doing here Porsha?" Jimmy asked quietly stilfling a sob.

"I wanted to see you!" Porsha replied then her voice became more serious. "You might have done some horrible things, but your still my daddy. And I throughly believe that you can change. It was just a mistake that you made, you can fix it I know you can!" Porsha told her father warmly.

Jimmy was touched by her words, but still tears came. "I hate to break it to u, sweetheart, but I can't, I'm stuck on here!" He sobbed.

"Not anymore!" Porsha sounded excited again. "That's another reason I came! I'm bailing you out!"

"You're what?!" Jimmy demanded.

"Yeah, I've got the money right here daddy! You're free!" Porsha told him holding up the bag of money. The security guard came back with keys. Jimmy's eyes widening as the guard unlocked his cell. Jimmy watched as he held out his hand to Porsha and she gave him the bail money sealed in an envelope. The guard then turned around to Jimmy. "Your now a free man Sir!" He told him.

Jimmy was too stunned to reply. He breathed in and out trying to take it all in.

"Come on daddy let's go home!" Porsha smiled holding out her hand for Jimmy to take.

Slowly Jimmy stood up, his tear filled blue eyes still wide in shock. He coudlnt believe Porsha had bailed him out.

"Stay out of trouble next time Mr Crystal!" The guard chuckled.

"I will I promise!" Jimmy managed, and to his surprise he found that he really meant it. He gently took his daughters hand and they left the prison together. Bowser and Ludwig were outside.

Jimmy was even more confused when he saw them. "Whats-" he began.

"Oh I bailed my Dad out too!" Ludwig explained quickly.

"Oh right!" Jimmy murmured.

Ludwig saw the tears, and he looked worried. "Are you alright?" He asked Jimmy.

"Yeah, fine!" Jimmy said quickly, rubbing his fur under his eyes. He felt embarrassed that they had seen him crying.

"Its alright mate were not gonna judge you!" Bowser assured giving Jimmy a hug, which just made Jimmy fell more embarrassed.

"Thanks" murmured Jimmy.

"Your welcome!" Smildd Bowser.

"What about my job?" Jimmy asked Porsha.

"There willing to have u back Daddy as long as you don't harm any more customers and let Buster Moon perform there If he wants to!" Porsha told him still smiling.

"Oh my god! Of course I will! I'll do anything to have my job and career back!" Jimmy squealed jumping up and down. Porsha giggled and huged her Dad he hugged her back happy.

Ludwig laughed. "Well what r we waiting for?!" He demanded. "Let's go home!"

Together, Bowser, Porsha, Jimmy and Ludwig all walked back to Porsha and Jimmy's home............

A/N end of chapter one. 😊❤ chapter 2 of this part coming soon 💖💞💜💙

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