Rewritten Temptations

Start from the beginning

"I have to take it, you know it might be important!"

"Fine!" she pouted as she released him. He went outside the room to take the call and when the phone call was over, Jamie noticed she was already dressed.

"I have to leave early, baby!" Jamie said.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah, I figured." Jamie could tell her attitude was about to become nasty.

"What the problem Reign?" he asked putting his belt through the loop.

"You!" she mumbled.

"Pardon me?" he asked barely understanding her.

"You heard what I said!" she shot me a look.

"I don't have time for this!"

"You never do!" Reign snapped. "You know what, I'm going on a walk!" She grabbed her phone and left.

Jamie didn't even step one foot in the boardroom before his dad started chewing at his head. "You're late!" Mr. King said. Everyone in the room was silence and didn't dare try to defend Jamie.

"How do you expect to run my company, if you're always late? Your actions are showing that Aidan deserves to be CEO over you!" Many times Jamie felt like his dad favored Aiden over him. While Jamie serves this company like he's a slave, Aiden does the bare minimal and gets praised.

"You know what son, just have a seat!" Mr. King said giving him a death stare when Jamie sat beside Aidan. "Ahmad, go ahead with your plan to promote the WIFI photo frame."

Jamie was in rage sitting in this room, he was just thinking about how much work he could get done if he wasn't sitting in this boring meeting.

When Jean arrived at TouchIt Inc., it was so beautiful. The building looked majestic and very luxurious.

"Close your mouth," A woman laughed as she approached Jean. "You must be new here," she said with a smile. Jean shook her head in agreement.

The woman held out her hand to shake Jean's, " I'm Bri, I'm in the marketing department."

"Well, Bri from marketing, I'm Jean, nice to meet you!" Jean said shaking Bri's hand back.

"So, what's your position here?" Bri asked.

"I'm the new executive assistant," Jean answered.

"Well, you shouldn't keep Mr. King waiting then! That's how the last one got fired!" she whispered to Jean.

Bri was about to walk away until Jean said, "Wait, I'm kinda lost could you point me in the right there?"

"In this big ass building, I'm not surprised," Bri chuckled. "Your office should be on the fourth floor. The elevator should be on your right." She pointed towards the direction with her finger.

"Thank you," Jean smiled. As she began to walk, she thought to herself, "I'm so grateful for this job. The people seem nice , the pay is good. I can't wait... "

*Thump *

The bathroom door swung wildly hitting Jean in the face causing her to grab her head from the pain. "Watch where you're going! " Jean howled. The man made looked at her in disgust for a second then he continued looking at his phone and walked away without even apologizing. What a fucking arrogant asshole!

Jean straighten her clothes and headed into her new office. The office was small but she knew with a little decorations this could become a second home.

"Jean Pelton!" A male voice said from behind Jean. She turned around to see Mr. King standing in his doorway.

"It's nice to finally meet you, sir," she said placing her hand out to shake his.

Mr. King shook his head, "We don't give out handshakes at TouchIt, we give out hugs!" Without hesitation, he embraced Jean, which made her very uncomfortable.

"Umm...I just want to thank you for this opportunity, sir." Jean awkwardly smiled when he released her.

"I know you won't let me down Jean. Your resume is very impressive. You were top of your class at Yale," he circled around her office.

"Thank you sir," Jean was very proud of her accomplishments. She beat the odds and became more than a statistic.

"So, that means, I expect nothing but excellence from you," he smiled at Jean.

"Yes sir," she repeated.

"And Jean, you can stop with the sir thing, just call me Isaac!" he said before walking out of office.


After the workday Jamie and went into the cabinet for the hard liquor. "Reign, where is my crown?" he asked calmly.

"I threw them away, they're not good for you baby," she yelled from the bedroom. Jamie took a deep breath, "If I want to be unhealthy, damnit let me then! You treat me like I'm your child!"

She came into the kitchen, "Excuse me?" she cut her eyes at him. "I didn't know it was a crime to care about your health!"

"Nah, don't try to play innocent! I told you plenty of times to stop doing that shit!" he shouted.

"You know what!" she chuckled. "Fuck you Jamie! I'm tired of your shit!" she snapped and heading back into the room.

"Fuck you too!" Jamie said before he slammed the front door to head the nearest club. When Jamie and Aidan walked into the club, he was only eyeing the bar.

"Hopefully, you get some pussy tonight," Aidan said to Jamie. The club was ladies get in free tonight and Aidan was scoping out the women.

"Man, you know I'm not about to cheat on Reign!"

"I'm just fucking with you bruh," Aidan chuckled. "But you should at least dance with a female!"

"Nah, I'ma just stick with the bar," he responded.

"Alright man," Aidan dapped Jamie up and they went their separate ways for the night.

"What you drinking tonight, big pimping?" Mick, the bartender asked.

"Two shots of crown apple!" Jamie responded.

Mick poured me the shots and handed it to me, "You see that woman over there? She's so stuck up!" he asked.

Jamie turned his hand and he noticed it was the woman, he hit with the door earlier. He instantly felt guilty for not apologizing.

"Yo, make her another one of whatever she's drinking and tell her it's from me!" Jamie said. Mick did what he was told and he watched as Mick handed her the drink and pointed towards Jamie.

She said something to Mick as she pushed the drink back and looked at Jamie in disgust. Mick walked back over to Jamie and handed him the drink. "You're gonna have to do a lot more to impress her. She said you can take that drink and shove it up your ass!"

"Man, whatever!" he gave Mick a tip and left the bar to find Aidan because at this point he was ready to go. 

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