Sneak Peak of Rewritten Chapter 1

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Clinton stood in the mirror contemplating, "Which one?" he asked putting a red and blue tie towards his chest.

"The blue one is a little too dark," Reign said as she was coming out of the shower. He studied the ties for a second, "You're right baby," Clinton kissed her on the cheek.

"That's all I get?" she asked dropping her towel and spreading her legs on the bed. Clinton crawled in between her legs and kissed her on the neck.

But their fun time was quickly interrupted when Clinton's phone rang. Clinton rolled over to answer his phone but Reign grabbed his hand to stop him.

"I have to take it, you know it might be important!"

"Fine!" she pouted as she released him. He went outside the room to take the call but when the phone call was over, Clinton noticed she was already dressed.

"I have to leave early, baby!" Clinton said.

She rolled her eyes and said,  "Yeah, I figured." Clinton could tell her attitude was about to become nasty.

"What's the problem Reign?" he asked putting his belt through the loop.

"You!" she mumbled.

"Pardon me?" he asked barely understanding her.

"You heard what I said!" she shot him a look.

"I don't have time for this!"

"You never do!" Reign snapped. "You know what, I'm going on a walk!" She quickly grabbed her phone and stuffed it in her purse then left.

When Clinton finished getting ready, he headed straight toward work. Clinton didn't even step one foot in the boardroom before his dad started chewing at his head. "You're late!" Mr. King said. Everyone in the room was silent and didn't dare try to defend Clinton.

"How do you expect to run my company, if you're always late? Your actions are showing that Aidan deserves to be CEO over you!" Many times Clinton felt like his dad favored Aiden over him. While Clinton serves this company like he's a slave, Aiden always does the bare minimum and gets praised. His dad made Clinton slightly hate his brother because there was always an unsaid competition between them.

"You know what son, just have a seat!" Mr. King said giving him a death stare when Clinton sat beside Aidan. "Ahmad, go ahead with your plan to promote the WIFI photo frame."

Clinton was in rage sitting in this room, he was just thinking about how much work he could get done if he wasn't sitting in this boring meeting.


When Jean walked into the kitchen Rue was waiting for her at the table. Today, was Rue's first day of middle school. Rue practically slept with her outfit on last night.

"Jean, you need to hurry up before I'm late!" Rue frowned. Jean wasn't the best when it came to time management, so, Rue had to lie about the time school really started because otherwise, she was really going to be late.

"Little girl, I'm coming!" Jean huffed. "Here," she continued as she handed Rue the keys. "Start the car and give me five minutes. She didn't have to tell Rue twice, Rue was out of the door in two seconds.

When they were driving Rue noticed a Mcdonald's along the way.

"I'm hungry Jeanie," Rue said. Jean's world revolved around Rue. She became Rue's main support system when her parents passed away in a car accident five years ago.

Jean searched through her wallet, only finding a five-dollar bill. Jean didn't want to disappoint her because last time she promised her breakfast. "I guess two dollars wouldn't hurt me," she thought to herself. Luckily, today was Jean's first day too. She was starting a new job as an executive assistant at a home tech company.

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