Chapter 8: First Day of U.A.

Start from the beginning

"(Y/N), honey, thank you," Mom thanked me. I was a bit confused until she continued. "Not only did you save Izuku, but you also saved Momo, Mina, Kyoka, and your friend Shoto, and, even if you hate him, Katsuki. We're all thankful for that, even if Mitsuki and Masaru don't know about your Quirk yet. When are you going to tell them?"

"I'll tell Aunt and Uncle soon, but I want to do it after Baku... Bakugo knows, which will be soon." I replied until I felt my phone go off. I was confused until I opened my phone and saw a text from Principal Nezu.


All-Knowing🐕 Principal🐻 Nezu🐁: Good day, Mr. Midoriya. I hope this day fares you well. Now I am contacting you regarding what we discussed yesterday. The teachers and I, with Detective Tsukauchi, are going over our findings with the League of Villains and I am 100% certain you'll be brought up as, "The White Dragon Emperor," and I believe it is imperative that you should make an appearance during this time. I suggest coming to U.A. right away. I'll send you the room number where the meeting is to be held at. Come in as your "Balance Breaker" and I'm more than certain the teachers will be shocked, minus myself, All Might, and Detective Tsukauchi. You do have that pass to enter, and you have my blessing. Please do come right away.

Of course, Principal Nezu, sir. I'm coming right away. See you soon. :Me


I put my phone away and grabbed my jacket but stopped by mom.

"Honey, where are you going?" Mom asked me. I looked over where Izuku's room was and made sure he wasn't around.

"Mom, remember what I told you about yesterday after the USJ incident?" I whispered to mom, and she nods. "Well, Principal Nezu requires my presence since I was there at the time. Adding to fact, they'll be talking about the incident and the topic about me will be brought up. He says it was imperative that I made myself known to the U.A. teachers there, minus Aizawa and 13 of course."

"Oh, okay honey," Mom replied as I got ready to leave but stopped again. "What should I tell Izuku? He'll know your gone."

"Um... Tell him that Grandmaster needed me at the dojo, and I had to go right away," I replied as mom agreed to the lie. I opened the door but turned to mom once more. "I'll see you after the meeting. Bye!"

I left the apartment and headed towards my truck and got in. I revved the engine and left towards U.A. for that meeting that was going into play. I knew this was going to be interesting at the very least.

~U.A. Conference Room~
*Narrator POV*

Within the Conference Room of U.A., we find most of the faculty, minus Aizawa and 13, meeting with Detective Tsukauchi regarding the USJ Incident with the LOV. Attending the meeting was Principal Nezu, All Might, Snipe, Midnight, Vlad King, and of course, Detective Tsukauchi.

"Our investigators are trying to learn everything they can about this so-called, "League of Villains,"" Tsukauchi began the meeting. "We've made some progress, but we can't find anything about this Shigaraki so far. We've searched all our records for men in their 20's or 30's who are registered having some kind of disintegration Quirk. So far, we've come up empty. Same for the Warp Gate villain, Kurogiri. So their not citizens or they're using aliases. Hard to find, either way."

"So what you're really saying is, we don't know anything." Vlad King assumed while getting a bit upset.

"We've got to track them down," Snipe suggested also annoyed. "I shot their ringleader, but the White Dragon Emperor tore off his entire left arm. When he heals up, he'll try something like this again. What a pain."

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