Remembering (2)

53 1 8

Kayla's pov

Just as I was frozen in confusion due to my unexplained circumstances, I heard a nock on the door.

Uh oh...

"Come in," I said briefly with an undertone of confusion in my otherwise clear and childish voice.

Having gained permission, a woman in servants clothes soon entered the room and then dropped into a deep curtsy. I was interested in isakai's a little too much in my last life, and it lead me to learning many otherwise unconventional skills one of which being medieval British etiquette. So I knew that this deep curtsy was a show of respect, often used by servants when greeting people of a higher station, meaning the new me is at least incredibly wealthy but more likely nobel in origins.

"Young lady, good morning. Do you wish to break your fast in your room again today or would you like to take your meal in the dinning hall?" The woman asked, still maintaining her impeccable posture.
"I'll take my meal here today." I said whilst trying to feign confidence, yet non the less avoiding looking in the woman's direction.
"As the young lady wishes." The maid replied quickly before she exused herself.

Well, that was stressful. So I must have been reincarnated... I need to check my appearance incase I may recognise it from a book or manga, ect.

I have found my first enemy of my second life... heights. Or more specifically, I can't reach the floor from my bed meaning I'll need to jump down. Here goes nothing!

I survived with minimal injuries, I'd say that's a mission success. Anyway, now I need to find a mirror to check my appearance. I can see that I'm pale and I've noticed my hair is longer and wavy in a dusty coral kind of colour, but I don't know my face or eye colour.

I found my target at the vanity as I suspected, but acquiring it may prove more difficult than it appears as it is perched high on a vanity table which is just shorter than me.

After almost falling from the stupid stool repeatedly I final managed to place myself atop it so I could clearly see myself. My hair was loose and reached my lower back, my face was subtly pretty but pale and childishness was still evident in my cheeks. My eyes are downwards tilting ever so slightly and they shone in a captivating golden colour which complimented my hairs muted tone inexplicably well.

I wonder how old I am? I would guess about 9 or 10, but I'm not sure... Guess I'll ask later and I'll also need to find out my name. So much to do! And I don't even recognise this girl's face meaning I'm either a background character or I'm not in a would I previously knew from my reading which would kind of be upsetting but whatever!

As I studied my appearance I glanced around the room in hopes of finding a diary or something simular and I did. It was a small worn out notebook which radiated a faint light when I touched it before stopping shortly after and falling open to the first page. It was a blue leather cover bound to crinkled white papers that were mostly covered in messy scribbles and numbered dates. Inspecting the content, a Magor pain attacked my unprepared mind and I soon after fell unconscious from the pain, or maybe shock?

When I realised I could see again I was watching a scene of a woman with long red hair and indifferent peach eyes yelling at me to go away then a sadness I didn't recognise engulfed me as I ran away without control of my body before a kind looking butler with tanned skin, light brown hair and a pink right eye whilst his right eye was a cool purple close to blue.

He reached out to me and lifted me up with ease before comforting me with gentle pats before I fell asleep only to witness many other scenes all with two common factors. The mean red haired woman whom I kept seeking out for some reason and the man who was kind to me. I had realised over time, these were Megan's memories. Megan is the name of my new self. She was a kind little girl who was hard working, cute and bright yet her parents regarded her as useless as she was a girl. The woman is "my" mother and the man was "my" personal butler, but he was fired yesterday when "my" father whom I've never met, neither had Megan, heared of her clinging to him and treating him as a father which he reciprocated due to his genuine care for the neglected child. The final straw for Megan's father was when he overheard her accidentally call the butler dad. Much to my surprise, I also discovered that Megan is 13, almost at the legal age for noble marriage which is 15 in this country. I would be having my debut into society next week after my birthday. I had to get out now!

After coming to a conclusion I realised I had to work fast. I can use magic, my affinities are water and earth with a sub affinity of plant. Perfect... my butler Mason should still be in the mansion so I quickly constructed a plan.

Before I had realised I was awake again. With a mind full of actions I needed to take I decided to speedily get to work. I decided to start by seeking out Mason before he left the mansion to get his help, so I could escape. I ran through the corridors and arrived outside his room without realising, no going back now!

I knocked lightly on his door and waited patently. The door opened after a while and revealed Mason, an attractive young adult if known for as far back as I could remember. His heterchromic eyes widened in shock at my presence.


Hope you enjoyed!

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