"Yeah, and you get to tag along!" Jackie nudged her in the side, giggling. 

"I'm baaaack~" Jan cheered, appearing from the hallway. "I'm so happy you decided to join, 'Nali! I've been dying to try out this new recipe!" She pecked Jackie on the cheek before leading the two to the kitchen. "So, what do you have to test on us today?" Jackie laughed at her girlfriend, taking a seat at the island in the kitchen. "It's this lemon chicken recipe I saw online! I've wanted to try it for so long!" Jan began to get supplies from the many cabinets, pulling out several spices and other foods. 

The three's conversation flowed naturally, and laughing could be heard all throughout the apartment. Jackie piped up, "Oh, Jan, I think I left my jacket in your room, do you know where it is?"

"Oh, yeah! I found it this morning, let me get it." Without moving from what she was preparing, Jan snapped her fingers and a portal appeared in front of Jackie, on the other side Denali was able to spot one of Jackie's jackets. Jackie reached through and took the jacket, moving to put it on a hook near the door. Jan closed the portal with a swish of her finger.

"You...you have powers?" Denali stuttered in surprise, her eyes wide. Jan hummed, "Of course! Although they aren't very impressive, they're the ones I was born with!" Jackie returned and pecked her girlfriend on the cheek, "I think they're cool!"

"I think so too, are you a hero?" Denali questioned. "No, not yet. Jackie keeps saying I should register, she thinks I could be helpful with transporting criminals or helping with emergencies. She also says that since 'Goona is a hero, I should join up too." Jan popped the food she was making in the oven, turning up the temperature.

"Lagoona is a hero? Really?"

Jan nodded, "Yeah, however her powers revolve around healing, the government sort of hides her away. They've had villain organizations kidnap people with healing powers in the past because they're so rare, and especially being a Carr, Lagoona is a prime target."

Denali nodded in understanding, she had heard about similar events from Tina when the older woman would tell her stories from her experiences. Her attention returned to Jan as she continued, "'Goona think I should do it, too. She says since she can't get any fame or exposure, I should do it. She said she'll live vicariously through me."

"She's right, and I mean if you know how to fight, you could kick so much ass! Using your portals to appear and disappear at random, you would be so cool!" Denali encouraged the other girl, excitement rushed through her body at the thought she might get to work with Jan someday.

"Yeah, that'd be pretty badass. Hmm...okay, you guys convinced me. I'll try and register soon." Jackie and Denali cheered as Jan set the oven's timer. She brushed her hands on her jeans, before clapping them together, "Okay! It'll be ready in 30 minutes, anyone wanna watch Real Housewives?"


15 minutes into the episode, Lagoona joined the three. "Hey 'Nali." Lagoona flopped beside her on the couch, her hair was brushed to the side and she had on sweatpants and a hoodie. "How're you Lagoona? Been busy much?" Lagoona shrugged, "I guess so- I've been practicing guitar in my room a lot, seems I've just been catching every cold possible this season."

"Well, at least you're not sick anymore- you almost killed Rosie when you sneezed on her!" Jan chimed in, lifting her head from Jackie's shoulder.

"Okay, first off- I did not almost kill Rosé, she's just dramatic!" Lagoona rolled her eyes, "And I didn't even sneeze on her, she was at least three feet away from me!"

Denali giggled as the sisters continued to bicker, Jackie giving her a small smile as they soon returned to their television show. The bickering ended when Lagoona began to cough, Jan shooting her a worried look. Denali placed a hand on her back, "Are you okay? Do you need water or something?"

Lagoona waved her off, stabilizing herself a moment later. "No, no, I'm okay. As I said, I'm catching every damn cold possible." She gave a raspy laugh, Denali looking at her in concern. "I'm fine, I promise. Pinkie promise, if it makes you happy." She held up a pinkie, Denali sighing and hooking her own pinkie, "Okay, sorry. I guess I've just been on edge recently." 

Several minutes later, they heard the oven's timer go off, and Jan raced to the kitchen. The other three gathered around the island as Jan pulled the chicken out of the oven.

"Lunch is served!" She cheered. Lagoona grabbed them plates from one of the cabinets, and soon enough the four girls were seated at the dining table. "I hope this is better than your chicken pizza, Janny." Lagoona teased, Jan sticking her tongue out in response. Denali took a bite out of the chicken, "This is really good, Jan! You did amazing!" Jackie spoke up, Denali eagerly nodding in agreement. "Aww, you guys are too nice! This is nothing to what some of our chefs can make!" Jan brushed the two off, Denali staring at the other girl. Chefs, of course, the Carr's are rich after all.

"What's that? Smells good." A voice called from above, and the girls turned and saw Rosé descending the stairs. She was in a silk pink robe, her hair was wet and ties up into a loose ponytail. Denali flushed pink, quickly turning back to her meal to try and ignore the heat in her cheeks. "Jan made lemon chicken!" Lagoona told her, Rosé leaning on her as she looked at the others. "There's some more in the kitchen if you want some."

Rosé returned, setting her plate down next to Denali's. "Hello, Denali." She purred, sitting down next to her. "Rosé, nice to see you again." Denali tried to remain calm, avoiding looking at the other girl. Luckily, Jackie came to her rescue and the group began to gossip about the latest news.


"Rosé, Denali, would you two mind cleaning up the dishes?" Jan asked the two after they all had finished. Jan shot a look towards Rosé, who gave a slight nod in response. "Of course, you don't mind, do you Denali?" Rosé asked her. "No, not at all! It's the least I could do." Jan shot the two a smile before she and Lagoona disappeared down one of the hallways. Jackie had wandered off somewhere else, which left her and Rosé alone together.

"Hi, doll," Rosé smirked, "haven't seen you around much." Denali collected the plates from the table, making her way toward the sink. "Maybe because I've been busy  protecting New York from people like you." She scoffed.

"People like me? Wow Denali, I'm hurt!" Rosé faked offense, "Am I really that bad?"

"Yes, now hand me the sponge."

"What's the magic word~"

Denali flicked the other girl with water in response. Rosé gasped, "Ah! So rude!" Denali let out a small giggle, taking the sponge from Rosé's hand. The two quickly washed the dishes, Denali doing most of the work (with Rosé trying to distract her). "So why do you do it? Being a villain, I mean." Denali finally spoke up.

"I think calling me a villain is a little harsh, it's not like I murder people for fun." Rosé rolled her eyes, "But...well, it's not exactly simple. It's not worth getting into, really." She dismissed the subject with a wave of her hand.

"Does your mom know, I mean, she is the Kizh-"

"I know. And no, no she doesn't. None of my family does. I mean, could you imagine the shitstorm that would erupt if anyone found out? My mom and sisters would be put to shame." Rosé's tone grew dark and serious as she spoke, and Denali awkwardly shifted back and forth.

"Why didn't you just become a hero?" She asked.

"Because there are some things heroes can't do." She muttered.

New York Nights - RosénaliWhere stories live. Discover now