Chapter 2 - That's Cap

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Ight, I'm back. Just wanna say imma do Ren a bit differently. I felt in Shield Hero they did Ren dirty.

Anyway, imma get started.


Leena followed after Tyler into the familiar cave. She put her bow away and snapped her fingers. A small, but bright flame was created in her hand.

Tyler was amazed at this.

"That is fucking amazing. Is that actual magic?" He asked.

"Yeah. This is just a simple fire spell. Most have to use a long winded chant, but our family has been able to naturally use magic for years. It's in our blood apparently." She explained.

"Right. Well, I'm glad to have you around Leena. That's some impressive stuff." He said as he unhooked his weapons from his belt and got ready for a possible fight.

Leena couldn't help but blush. She wasn't really use to compliments. She gets embarrassed by them a lot.

"I-It's nothing. Just a simple spell, anyone can do it." She said trying to brush off the praise.

"Like you said though, others need a chant. You just snap your fingers." He said looking to her while keeping his guard up. "That's seriously impressive. Probably not much coming from me since I'm a level 1 ass bitch, but still."

She shook her head to ignore the praise and looked forward.

"This cave isn't very deep, so we won't get lost, but like I said there's a lot of strong monsters here." She reminded him.

"Like that thing?" He asked.

She turned to see him pointing at a monster made of rocks.

"No, not that one. Those are passive. They will fight back, but they won't deliberately attack. They're the reason I can keep coming back to get materials for Erhard." She told him quickly.

"Oh. Sorry buddy. Didn't mean to mistake you for a monster." He apologised to it.

The rock golem just looked at him and waved his hand as if to say "it's all good."

They went in deeper to find spiders about the size of a lawnmower. Like the one you drive.

"Those ones however, are very hostile. Kill them." She said as she threw the fire up to keep the area lit up and pulled out her bow.

Tyler cut one in half just as it nearly jumped Leena from behind.

"Thanks." She said as she shot one, killing it instantly.

There looked to be about 15 of them.

"There's a chance we might end up running into a bigger one with this many here. When it shows up, run like hell." She told him.

Tyler was surprised by how well he was doing. He wasn't perfect, he was getting hit a few times and he was having minor trouble, but he was still doing well. He wasn't dead so that's proof he's doing good.

He killed another spider and had a minute to think. He looked to his scythes. The ends looked like they could connect.

"Worth a try." He said to himself.

He stuck them together and the blade on one of them moved to stick straight out like a spear end whilst the other end stayed like a scythe. They combined to make a bigger scythe.

"Fuck yeah!" He cheered as he stabbed it into the ground to kill a smaller spider.

They both kept up the fight until eventually there was one left which was stabbed by an arrow that Tyler used after he threw his scythe to kill a slightly bigger spider.

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