Chapter 1 - Meeting the Ultimates

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The boy opens his eyes. His vision is fuzzy at first, but it eventually clears. A young girl with strawberry blonde hair and cat green eyes looks down at him.

"Are you okay?" says the girl.

He sits up, still dazed and confused. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine."

The blonde girl helps the brunette stand up. He slowly regains his balance, but is still relatively unsteady.

"What's your name?" he asks the girl.

She sweetly smiles. "I'm Zoey Turns," she says, "I'm the Ultimate Princess. What's yours?"

The brunette's amber eyes sparkle for a moment. "I-I'm Luke Peterson," he manages to say. "I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student."

The two look around. It turns out they're not the only people here. Luke notices a girl sitting by herself, listening to music.

Luke walks over to the girl. "Hi, I'm Luke," he says to the girl while extending a hand to her. The girl's diamond blue eyes almost immediately shoot up to look at the brunette. She talks off her violet headphones.

"Hey," the young girl says, quickly refusing eye contact. "I'm Stacy, the Ultimate Music Producer." She takes his hand and stands up, but still refuses to look at him.

Luke notices the bandage on Stacy's arm. "Hey, is everything okay?" he asks her.

Stacy is confused for a second, then notices that Luke is talking about her hand. She immediately frees her hand from his grasp. "None of your business," she snapped.

Luke paused. Her's like they were lit with a fire.

A fire filled with disgust and hatred. It was burning like hell. Her stare traumatized itself into his memory. As if she hated Luke more than anything else in the world.

Luke barely knows this girl, but he knows one thing–

There was no way the two would ever get along.

- -

Luke is walking through the halls when he bumped into someone.

"OUCH–" Luke exclaimed. The guy he bumped into immediately scrambled to his feet.

"What's wrong??" he asked, worried. "Is something wrong? Are you hurt? Is everything alright?"

Luke's amber eyes shoot up. A young teen–just barely a year younger than him–is holding a first aid kit.

Name: Drew

Age: 16

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Affluent Progeny

"Don't worry, I'm okay," Luke said before standing up.

Suddenly, an announcement came on the loudspeaker.

"Attention! All students must report to the gymnasium at once!"

Luke, along with some other students, made their way to the gym immediately.

There was something inside Luke, telling him that this wasn't a good idea.

Soon he will learn that that feeling was right.

- end -

Here are some characters I didn't introduce you to, lolz

Name: Jake

Age: 17

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Pop Sensation

Name: Hailey

Age: 16

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Librarian

Name: Zander

Age: 17

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Pianist

Name: Milly

Age: 15

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Guitarist

Name: Sean

Age: 18

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Swordsman

Name: Liam

Age: 17

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Adventurer

Name: Henry

Age: 16

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Gamer

Name: Lia

Age: 16

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Model

Name: Daisy

Age: 15

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Cheerleader

Name: Ximena

Age: 18

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Therapist

Name: Saiana

Age: 16

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Assassin

Name: Grimrose

Age: 13

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Fashion Designer

Name: Elliot

Age: 16

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Botanist

Ok now that's out of the way, time to write chapter 2 lolz

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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