Meeting My Kids, Danger Mountain

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Scene 9

"Hello sir sorry can we help you" Tanjiro asked, Humm Hecate looked into Tanjiro eyes sadness and horror but strength, he had suffered too sadly smiling. "He took something from you to huh" Hecate whispered.

Tanjiro eye snapped wide in shock 'How....... How did he know'. Suddenly a hand laid on top of his head. "It okay he hurt me to, you not alone kid". Tanjiro eye started to water "mom....... everyone.... EVERYONE IS GONE wahhhhh ahhhh sob.... Why why did he do this wahhhhh" starting to cry Tanjiro felt all his pain finally released.

Pulling Tanjiro to his chest Hecate lightly rubbed his head, he look at the other two and saw they were hurt in there on way. Hecate spoke again "Come here it okay I got all of you", "wahhhhh sob....sobbb" both boys burst in tears quickly hugging Hecate also.

As a few minutes past they finally calmed down they all looked at Hecate smiling lightly, "Come on kids let's rest at a wisteria house for the night". As every nodded in agreement they walked off to a house.

It symbol on the door strand through as a old women opened the door she speaks "Good evening Demon Slayer come in and rest for the night" "DEMON IT A DEMON" Zenitsu yelled. "Zenitsu stop she's not a demon" Tanjiro called out. "Enough come let's get you wounds checked on I can smell the blood on you three" Hecate said.

"Oh dear your hurt come in come in" the old women told them. As they change a doctor entered.

Inosuke- 4 broken ribs
Tanjiro- 3 broken ribs
Zenitsu- 2 broken ribs
Hecate - 0 broken ribs ;)

"Who know we all have broken ribs" Zenitsu spoke. Tanjiro spoke next "I'm sorry Zenitsu you got hurt because you were protecting my box". "Children come eat" Hecate called out to them. Hearing Hecate call them children felt them with warmth happens to surrounded them.

Eating they were all having fun, Inosuke stealing food from Tanjiro, Tanjiro and Hecate give Inosuke more food, Zenitsu sweet dropping but had a smile none the less. As they lay to sleep the box radles.

Scratch scratch suddenly the door slowly creek open "AHHHHHHHHH IT OPENING THE DEMON GOING TO KILL US AHHHH" screamed Zenitsu.

Scratch scratch suddenly the door slowly creek open "AHHHHHHHHH IT OPENING THE DEMON GOING TO KILL US AHHHH" screamed Zenitsu

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Full the door was open as Nezuko head popped out Zenitsu froze, Hecate blinked in surprised shock surprise the demon...... Was super CUTE!!! "WHAT YOU BEEN TRAVELLING WITH A CUTE GURL AND DIDNT TELL ME YOU BASTARD DIE" as Zenitsu yelled and chased Tanjiro around. Tanjiro spoke "Zenitsu she my sister". Suddenly a foot appeared and tripped Zenitsu "Shush it time for bed" Hecate called out.

As Zenitsu comes to understand the situation and begins grovelling towards Tanjiro. Asking for his sister hand in marriage. SLAM Zenitsu head grow a bump "I told you it bed time, its to dark for you to be this loud" Hecate pulling Zenitsu to his chest as he lays down to sleep.

Everyone blinked at Hecate, smiling Inosuke and Tanjiro lay down next to him, as Hecate raps both arm around each boy laying them on his chest he opens his arms to Nezuko who felt warm like a mother's area ran twords Hecate and lays in-between Tanjiro cuddle close to Hecate.

Demon Slayer kimetsu no Yaiba: Blood Hashira Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu