I didn't pack any😱

I'll let you borrow some then.

I love you😍

Love you too😘

The pictures finished downloading as I set my phone down they turned out really well now I just gotta deliver them to the couple.

I saved the pictures before turning of my Mac Book. I got up from the desk that was placed in the corner of the hotel room. "You done" I asked Jack who was working something out on his computer.

"Yea. We going somewhere" He looked up from his work. I nodded my head. "Is Jj going to be there?" Jack questioned. "Yes, so did y'all like hit it off last night" I asked. "I mean yea we exchanged numbers and have been texting a little" I slight blush creeped on his cheeks at the last part.

I awed at him. I walked over to my suitcase and picked out a flannel, jeans, red SnapBack, and red vans.

I went into the bathroom and changed then brushed my teeth. I looked in the mirror one last time before exiting the bathroom. Jack was already dressed in a black shirt, pants, and grey vans. He walked in the bathroom as soon as I came out.

Jack and I had got a rental car earlier, but I don't really know the point because I have no clue how to get around. A few minutes later Jack came out the bathroom ready.

You coming?

Yea Carson is driving though. So yea..... Oh we are here.


"Come on" I told Jack. He checked himself out in the mirror one last time before walking out following behind me. I walked to the elevator and clicked the down button. I waited a couple minutes and then it opened.

It took a whole to get down since we had to stop a couple times to pick people. Finally we stopped in the lobby and me and Jack rushed out the elevator.

I walked out the lobby doors. I smiled when I spotted Shawn standing on the sidewalk in front of a black Escalator. "Hey" I approached Shawn and hugged him. "You ready to meet Carson and Lillian" Shawn jokingly rolled his eyes.

I nodded my head and smiled. A girl with a reddish tented hair walked up to us I'm guessing that was Lillian. "Hello, I'm Lillian" She smiled. "Tay-" she cut me off. "Oh I know Shawn goes on and on about you" Lillian teased. "Shut up" Shawn groaned.

I boy walked up beside Lillian and flung a arm over her shoulder. "I'm guessing your Carson" I stuck my hand out for him to shake. "Yep. How did you know? Has Shawnie boy been talking about me" Carson teased. "Yea but don't get to happy" Shawn said.

I laughed at their friendship. Wait where's Jack? I looked around and seen him standing at the front of the car talking to Jj. "Hey guys I think we got a new couple brewing" I said pointing to the Jacks. Everyone ohh at that.

"Ok well y'all ready to go" Carson spoke. Everyone nodded as we piled in the car. "Wait is Daniel coming?" Shawn asked. "No he got grounded" Carson laughed. "Yep he t an F on a math test" Lillian said.

Shawn laughed and sat back in the seat. It was me and Shawn in the back back then Jack and Jj in the middle, and Carson and Lillian in the front.

The ride to Carson's house was kinda in divided conversations. "Did you bring the shorts?" I asked Shawn. Shawn picked up a bag of the ground and showed it to me. I leaned over and kissed his lips just because. "I love you" I mumbled against his lips. "I love you too" He giggled.

I was bring out our moment by Jack, muscular man Jack giggling. He never giggled before and I knew him for ten years. "Jj has got him whipped. Jack has never giggled" I whispered in Shawn's ear.

Shawn laughed a little to loud causing all attention on us. "What you never heard a person laugh" Everyone turned back around. Shawn's hot when he is sassy. "Woah tiger calm down" Jj said looking back at Shawn.

Shawn's POV
I raised my eyebrow at Jj the things I could sat to embarrass him right now, but I'm not gonna do that. Jj smirked at me and turned back around in his seat.

I was about to hit him but the car coming to a halt stopped me. "Lucky" I mumbled under breathe. Everyone piled out the car and into Carson's backyard.

The pool was in the middle of the yard side rinsed with concrete. There was a table and a pool shed. It was a big pool that had a jacuzzi connected to it. It was a very nice backyard of I say so myself.

This was gonna be a fun night.

Ok so see that up there is a foreshadow. If you don't know what it is look it up. If your in 7th grade or up you might know what is is. And to the person that told me to ask Taylor how he feels about Shaylor I will (sorry I forgot your user. Sorry😬)

Have y'all seen that fine where Jack J slaps Nash then runs away and Nash chases after him and falls. Oh my god Nash looked so confused and his hair fell out of place😂

QOTD: Are you ready for ACT or pass testing?

AOTD: of course not.

SOTD: Like that~ Jack and Jack

QOTC: Whatever you decide to do make sure you happy doing it.

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