Chapter 6

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You wake up early enough to have time to prepare and eat a nice, healthy breakfast. You make your way downstairs and see your father, who is already at the kitchen table, eating breakfast, and watching the news.

"Hey Dad," you tell him as you sit down at the table. He huffs before he adjusts his glasses to look at you.

"Heya, N/N. Enjoying your vacation, so far?" You roll his eyes at him, working is not really an enjoyable way to spend a vacation.
"It's fine, it's fine..." you look at the TV for a moment and smile, "still watching the TV, are you Dad?"
He smiles at you, "Yep. May be earlier than usual, but old habits die hard, kiddo..."

You slightly nod in agreement as you bounce up to get some food to eat. You overhear on the TV that the culprits of the drive-by last week had been caught, but that they had been given a slap on the wrist and had to do community service, or something.

"Can you believe that!?" Your dad looks at you in disbelief as you come back with your food and sit back down, "The police let 'em off easy! This is the reason why crime is so rampant around here!"

"Yeah, it's upsetting, but, unfortunately that's normal..." you sigh, eating the leftover (bkfst/f) your dad left.
Your dad turns off the TV, grumbling in frustration, "If I were there, I would've given them the death sentence, I tell you!" You giggle as he shakes his fists in a goofy manner. He talked about joining the police force since you were a kid, but your mom always persuaded him from doing so. As much as it paid, it was a very dangerous job.

The two of you eat in silence until he speaks again, "Say, kiddo, I know that you'll be off to college in a few weeks, but I gotta ask...what do you plan to work as, exactly?"
You softly smile at him, "I've always wanted to be a writer. I want to write my own stories and publish them for people to buy."
Your dad nods thoughtfully, "I see...but why should you go to college for that? Not that I'm complaining, but I'm just wondering why you can't just start now."
"Well, there's more to writing a book than just sitting down and writing pages and pages of words, there's gotta be thought put into it. I think I'm going to major in English or Creative Writing," you smirk at him, "besides, don't wanna put that full scholarship to waste, now do we?"

Your dad laughs, "No, of course not, and you'd be stupid to do so," he pulls you into a tight hug and makes you giggle as you look at the clock.
"Oh, I gotta go, Dad. Love you!" You kiss his cheek and stand up as he lets go. You make your way to the door as he calls after you, "You go tell them customers who's boss, my girl!"


You make it to work and open the door, Nami showed you the key code to get in. Speaking of which, you don't see any of your coworkers as you make your way to the changing room. However, you do see a tall man, a very tall man, a frighteningly tall man.

Maybe it's because you haven't seen many tall people around, aside from Garp, but the gruff man before you, who is smoking indoors, is on a whole other level. He seems to sense your fear, although it's probably written all over your face, and speaks up.

"Oi, you, you must be one of the new kids from last week," his very deep voice throws you off a little, but you manage to answer.
"Y-yeah, I am..." You look up at him and notice the visible, stitched scar the man has across his face.
"Good. The name's Smoker," he crosses his arms, "I'm the manager of this place. You've got a problem, you take it to me."
He motions towards a room, "Come into my office, real quick, I need to talk to you for a moment..." his angry expression made him more intimidating, so you just quietly nod and follow him inside.

As you sit down in a chair in front of his desk, Smoker suddenly lets out a frustrated sigh, "Tashigi reported a few incidents with me, most of them involving someone named Monkey D. Luffy...she says that you know him?"
You look away as to not show your embarrassment from Luffy's behavior, "Um, yeah, we're friends, actually..."
"I see," Smoker takes out the cigarette he was smoking and grounds it off on an ash tray on his desk, "I'm trusting you to keep that kid under control, then...he will be fired if he keeps this up."
"Yes, sir, I'm working on that," you nod, still looking away.

PoV: You Work at a Diner (One Piece × Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu