It was then Polymare took in her surroundings. She was back home, or at least, the only thing she had close to a home now. Brishen's portion of the space was always kept the cleanest, so it was no surprise they'd have let her rest there.

"You bumbling fool!" Vulpine dramatically cried from the doorway. Her round face was pulled into a frown as she stomped into the room, her boots thumping loudly against the hard dirt floor. "Have you finally gone mad?"

"Are you certain she wasn't already?" Brishen mumbled facetiously, avoiding eye contact and scratching the back of his head.

Polymare glared at the both of them as she puckered her lips. Their worry wasn't new. Her run ins with Watchmen had become more common as the days went by, each time leaving her just a bit more beat and bruised.

"I did not intend on ruffling them up," Polymare spoke sheepishly, her expression hang dogged and pulled. "There had been another. A damned. I cannot just turn my back to it."

Vulpine's face softened immediately. She moved to crouch before Polymare, placing a hand atop her head. "I was worried is all," she sighed, raising an accusing brow.

"You mustn't worry about m—"

"We all were," Brishen interrupted, and Polymare looked to him.

She hadn't noticed him fingering the ends of her hair, his eyelids low and mouth pulled straight. It was certain he was upset.

Her gaze slowly drug back to Vulpine. Eyes the shade of light plum, with soft hazelnut skin and hair a metallic grey. All her friends seemed so beautiful, a depressing crew turned family. She couldn't imagine where she'd be if she hadn't run into the three of them.

Speaking of three, Polymare thought, straightening up. "Where has Kolby gone?" she asked the two of them, only to give a strangled cough when the words left her mouth.

"He's gone to feed," Vulpine replied, jumping up and hurrying from the room. "Do not fret. I'll return with water."

Polymare breathed a sigh, letting the new found silence take over the room. Her body seemed to still be in pain. She knew all too well what her leisurely healing wound meant. It wouldn't be long until she too, had to feed.

Finally looking down at where she'd been shot, she could feel the tips of her ears redden in embarrassment. She wore no shirt, but her chest and right shoulder were now heavily bandaged. Accusingly, her eyes snapped to Brishen.

He flinched as their gazes met, his face slowly brightening until it practically resembled a tomato. "I would never!" he defended, before quickly composing himself and clearing his throat. "Vulpine tended to your wound. I stood post outside."

Polymare continued to watch him seconds on. She folded her arms under her breasts and leant towards him curiously. "How exactly did I make it back here?" she questioned.

"Vulpine went searching once more when the lanterns all sizzled gone," he replied. "She found Crispin trying to haul your body."

She uttered a string of curses under her breath just as Vulpine strode back into the room; who shoved a wooden cup of water into her palms.

"Drink," Vulpine ordered, standing above her now with bare feet and crossed arms.

Polymare did as she was told, sipping from the cup and letting it's lukewarm contents wash down her throat. She wiped her mouth sloppily afterwards, beginning to speak again when a familiar voice piped up from the doorway.

"What do my eyes behold?" Kolby grinned from where he stood leant against the doorframe. "It would seem sleeping beauty has finally awakened."

Kolby's usual neat attire was tousled and undone. The lace at the neck of his white tunic had been pulled out, dark breeches drooping low, and his regularly well kept ginger hair now falling in a curly mess above his shoulders.

"You make it sound as though I've slept for days on end," Polymare said with puckered lips.

"You did," Brishen tapped her cheek, seemingly ignoring her now puzzled expression.

With a sigh, Vulpine sat down heavily. She suddenly looked serious and Polymare knew immediately where the conversation was heading. "It's about time you stop being stubborn and feed," Vulpine urged. "I know it can seem troubling—"

"She's never been a finicky woman," Kolby lowered into a squat, tilting his head with a curvy smile. "Frankly though, this has become greater than a matter of appetite."

They were right. Ever since the passing of her father Polymare had almost always tried to quench her hungry desire in ways beyond the norm. At times, she could see herself heading down the path her father took. Loving properly, flesh and blood; normal. And other times, her hunger would become the only thing she knew, blinding her judgment and feelings and leaving behind nothing but a shadow of something her father once was.

A fate forced upon her.

Polymare's fingers squeezed around her cup as she placed her hands against her lap. She couldn't wrap her mind around what was the proper thing to do, but she certainly didn't want to worry her friends any longer. After all, they only had her best intentions in heart.

"I–" a sour expression crossed her face, eyebrows knit and lips twitching into a frown. "When?"

Vulpine visibly beamed, but it was Kolby who spoke up. "Now," he encouraged, rising to his feet once more. "Let's get you back to ripe health."

"Sun's still down," Brishen added tersely.

Vulpine's hands curled around Polymare's gently, and the warmth from her palms was nothing but soothing grace. "What do you say, Pol?"

There was a long pause. They were patient with her delayed answer. They always were.

Breathing a huff, Polymare finally nodded. "Alright then. But do bare with me, for I feel my body is still weak."


Hello readers, just stopping in for a quick authors note. I plan on and have already been working on explaining how Polymare has met her friends in the next chapter, and how Crispin knows of them. I hope you enjoyed their introductions though.

Before I go, here's a quick break down of their names:

Polymare - I'm pretty sure this one is the easiest.

Crispin - (Crisp - Pen)

Brishen - (Bri (Like Bri-tish) Shen (Shin))

Vulpine - ( Vol like Vol-cano and Pine (Peen) )

Kolby - (Cole - Bye)

Thank you for reading and please don't forget to comment what you thought and vote!


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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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