Helena was able to see a silhouette emerging from the other side of the hallway, the smoke making it impossible to see who the other person was involved in this strange detention with them. That person entered the classroom unnoticed as they heard Professor Snape and students near by come to the scene.

"Your turn, Hell!" Fred signaled at the girl, pulling her hand as they made a run for it.

I must make Snape follow us for a while so the other person can get out safely.

"Reflectium!" Helena pointed her wand up in the air and made circular movements with it as she lowered her wand. Next thing, Helena had ginger hair while Fred had dark, at least to anyone who saw them.

Helena just wanted for Professor Snape to not know who they were while running away with their backs on him.

"Meet in the Common Room!" Helena ordered, pushing Fred to one side to make him go through a different hallway than her, not giving him time to answer. They both kept running, their heart pumping fast as the adrenaline filled their veins. They missed doing this type of thing together.

Each had a big smile on their face while running.

At last, they managed to avoid getting caught by Professor Snape. Fred had been the first one to get to the Gryffindor common room, taking the nearest arm chair he spotted to grab some air. Helena entered soon after, panting.

The room was quiet, warmth greeted them as the fireplace emanated heat and light. Being a school night, everyone was in their dormitories upstairs. They were the only one there, trying to steady their heartbeat.

"That... was... thrilling," Helena said in between breaths. "Not bad as a brunet, Fredster," she pointed at the boy's hair.

"Me? What about you?" he chuckled. "You could be a Weasley with that hair."

"Ginny does need a sister," Helena joked. She then took out her wand, doing the same spell to change their hair color to it's original one.

The two sixth years smiled at each other. Fred slowly got up from his seat and walked up to the girl, standing in front of her. Her heart began to beat fast again.

"You have nice hair, you know?" he said softly, taking a strand of her away from her face, feeling it between his fingertips. It was as if he had just noticed how soft and thick it was. Her long hair framed her face perfectly.

He's so close.

"Do I?" those words were barely audible coming from Helena. Her skin had goosebumps and she could not take her eyes off Fred. Something about the boy was magnetizing in a way Helena could not explain.

But of course, something had to interrupt this moment.

The portrait to the room had been openend abruptly, and came in a tall boy who stumbled as he entered. His face was red from running, sweat on his forehead as he wiped it with the sleeve of his jumper. 

"Neville? Are you okay?" Helena asked worried, stepping away from the redhead to not raise any questions as to how close they were seconds ago. "Why were you running? It's late."

I'm being hyprocite right now. Ugh.

"Umm..." the fourth year was not good at coming up with excuses.

"And why do you smell?" Fred asked disgusted, holding his nose with his fingers. "You smell like-"

"Dung Bomb," Helena gasped with realization. "Neville, were you the one who entered the Potions classroom?"

"NO. Maybe... it was only to help Harry!" confessed Neville, face still red from running and also, from embarrassment. "I knew Professor Snape had stored what Harry needed for the next task."

To Hell ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now