Baby Fever~

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A/N hehehehehee here it is~! One of two surprises! Hope you all like it! Also you might have noticed I made this specifically mature, well that's bc things get heated and I mean more heated and spicy then anything else I've written~😏enjoy my lovely's!~ On to the oneshot!

      You walked into the main cave room after getting done with your meditation session. The little ones close to you, all gathered in your little closed off water cave to join you in your relaxation time. Now that mediation was done, they clambered after your figure as you made your way down the halls. Todays session you kept finding yourself getting distracted by the little monkey's behavior. Finding some napping to be utterly adorable while some simply lounged in your lap deeming you the napping place.

    All in all, you were not focused on meditating at all. Ugh! Why do they always have to be so cute?! Your thoughts were proven true as they ran happily by your feet before dashing off and playing. The scene brought a tender smile to your face before your eyes widened seeing Mk talking to your husband. It seemed they just finished wrapping up today's session and Mk was about to head home. Picking up your pace, you quickly made it to the two before enveloping the sweet boy into a hug. "Mk! I'm so glad I didn't miss you leaving yet! How was your training?"  

     The boy only smiled happily before returning the hug and excitedly saying, "It was great! Monkey King says I'm making great progress towards my fighting and focusing skills!" You smiled at his excitement before saying, "That's great sweetie! Oh!" Looking at him you pulled away from the hug at an arm's lengths, "Would you want to stay for dinner? I noticed it was getting late."

     At your proposal, Mk only smiled apologetically, "Man, I wish I could, but Pigsy's making me do deliverys tonight. Sorry, but maybe next time mom?" You nodded while your heart cheered at what he called you, "Of course! I understand, and yes definitely next time. Goodbye dear!" Mk waved you back before taking off back home; sighing softly, you turned away before two arms wound around your waist and pulled you into a strong chest. "What's with the long face my love? What's got my beautiful Queen down?~" Two fingers gently lifted your chin and lead you to meet your husband's worried gaze. You chuckled lightly before winding your arms around his neck, "Oh it's nothing Peaches, I'm perfectly alright..." His unconvinced face only made you snort before stating, "Alright, alright. You caught me. Was I slightly disappointed Mk couldn't stay? Yes. But is it really that big of a deal, or am I just focusing on minor things? Who knows. But I'm fine."

    You smiled weakly before your lover hummed, "Well it seems to me my dear, that you have a bad case of the lonely." His words brought a huff of laughter from you as you gave him a grin, "Really? And how does one cure the lonelys?" Your words bring a wide smirk to Sun's face before he sweeps you off your feet and turns. Moving to the little house in the center, your husband looks to your eyes while saying, "Well only by having some quality time with your husband of course! Come on, I can either order us dinner or cook it." You thought before replying, "Cook. I'd rather have stir fry then noodles tonight." Satisfied with your answer, your lover made his way inside before gently placing you on the couch outside the small kitchen.

    Confused you turned as he walked to the kitchen before musing, "Uhhh, dear? This isn't the kitchen." Your words bring a smile from him before he says, "Of course it isn't love. I'm cooking us dinner while you just sit back and relax.~" You huffed, "Sun I'm perfectly capable of helping." You made to raise up but your lover pointed at you while fussing, "Nuh-uh! No! You just stay there beloved, I'm gonna treat my wife tonight whether she likes it or not."

      His actions only made you roll your eyes in amusement before complying with his wishes. Wanting to tease him a little, you softly sighed, "Ohhh~But if you're in there! Who's gonna cuddle with me while I wait?~This couch is rather lonely~" You can hear the smirk on his lips as he says, "Aha! But you see I've already thought of this! While I make the food," a clone of your husband poofs in front of you before grinning and settling on the couch with you before pulling you into his lap. You were cuddled close to his chest within seconds and found it was much cozier now then it was before. "This guy will keep you, my lonely wife, company. And don't feel shy to give him some cuddles either!"

LMK Sun Wukong x Reader OneshotWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu