Chapter 32 | Car ride home

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Finally the group had left the Pizzeria, away from all the crazy fans.
"I still can't believe we have fans and it's only been 2-3 hours!" Molly exclaimed.
"I know..I wonder how many people saw it, Like that was a fast-food restaurant! Zander said.
"Anyway, Sean are you walking by yourself again?" Luke said.
"Yea! Just the next road I will start the walk to mine." Sean said pointing at some roads.
"I'll walk with you," Milly said running to Sean.
"I don't like walking by myself at night." She said.
"It's only 7pm." Hailey laughed.
"In winter." Milly sighed.
"It's gets dark earlier!"
"Oh yea, I forget that happens!" Jake laughed.

The continued walking until they got to the end of the road.
"Bye guys!" Milly said.
"Bye!" They all said back in unison. Milly and Sean walked down the road while Lander, Jailey, Bethawen ( Owen+Bethany ) and Mannon ( Michael+Shannon ) continued to walk back to their house.

Soon they arrived back at Mannons house, and sat down on the sofa.
"Geez, I'm so tired!" Jake said.
"Yes, All that singing was so tiring.." Hailey yawned.
"My fingers are still hurting from all the key pressing!" Zander said resting on his boyfriend arm.
"My wrists hurt from all the banging and moving them around the drums!" Luke sighed.
"We are all so tired, we better get a goodnight sleep." Zander said sleepy.
"I'm going to lay in!" Jake said.
"Same!" They rest of the couples agreed.

"Owen! Jake! Time to take you home!" Shannon called from outside.
"Aww, I guess I'll go.." Jake said standing up.
"I'll see you guys on Monday!" Jake said.
"Come on Owen.." Jake said reaching for Owens hand.
"Bye!" He said giving Hailey a kiss goodbye and waving to Zander and Luke.

"I'll see you later Owen!" Bethany said.
"When?" Owen asked.
Jake sighed knowing that they both liked each other.
"When I next come see Hailey or just pop round here."
"Yay!" Bethany and Owen squealed.

Jake and Owen were putting their shoes on when Shannon talked to Bethany.
"Sweetie, I'm going food shopping after I drop Jake and Owen off. So Daddy will read you a story!"
"Aw! Dad does weird voices.." Bethany sighed.
"You going shopping at 7:30 at night?" Zander laughed at his mother.
"Yes, indeed I am!" Shannon said.
"Actually could you come with me, I need some help bring the bags in.." Shannon asked Zander. Zander immediately ran back to Luke.
"Nah!" He said.
"Please!" Shannon begged.
"I'll come!" Hailey said. Being the good step-daughter she is, she didn't mind unlike her step brother who hated helping people unless it was Luke.
"Great! You guys hop in the car!" Shannon said turning to Owen, Jake and Hailey. They all got in the car, still tired.

"Jakey?" Owen asked.
"Yea.." Jake yawned.
"When are we home?"
"I don't know..ask Shannon.." Jake replied closing his eyes.
"Don't fall asleep!" Owen said pinching Jake.
"Sorry, I'm just really tired."
"Me too." Hailey said.
"Well, both of you have an early night." Shannon said in her motherly voice.
"Yea.." Hailey said literally falling asleep.
"Both of you! Don't fall asleep!" Owen yelled bringing Hailey back to reality.

They continued to drive for five more minutes until Jake just fell asleep.
"Uh..Jake?" Hailey asked poking Jake.
"Jake, get of me.." she sighed. Jake had fallen asleep on her. Owen giggled as he saw his brother asleep on Haileys shoulder.

Hailey sighed, "whatever, he'll get up soon.." Hailey yawed. She rested her head on his, without thinking she closed her eyes.
"Ooo~" Owen said leaning back in his seat.
"Milly was right...they sleep on each other a lot.."

"What was that Owen?" Shannon asked.

Owen pulled out his phone and took a photo and sent it to Milly:

Owen: Hey Milly!🥳🥳
Milly: this Owen? Your brother gave me your number.
Owen: yes that's me!😌😌
Milly: cool. So why did you text me?
Owen: remember earlier today, you told me that Jake and Hailey had fallen asleep on each other?😏😏😏
Milly: yes? Why?🤔
Owen: well.. they did it again~🤗🤗
Milly: WAIT? WHAT? Send me a picture!!
Owen: okay here..

"Owen..who are you texting?" Jake said half asleep.
"No one!!" Owen said shoving his phone back in his pocket.

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