Chapter 26 | I-I can't..

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around 17 bands had performed and soon it was the music freaks turn.

Everyone was so excited, but Jake noticed that Hailey was a little upset. He walked over towards her and pulled her to the side.

"Everything okay?" He asked looking into her eyes.

Hailey didn't answer.

"Hailey..tell me.."

Hailey looked up at Jake..she was crying. Jake hated seening her cry so immediately went to comfort her.

"Hey,hey! Don't cry! Tell me what's wrong.." he said pulling her into a hug.

Hailey looked up at Jake, tears rolling down her face.

"I-i can't.." she said shaking.
"I-I can't g-go on stage.."

Jake understood her. He held her close, comforting her.

"I thought this might happen.." he said reaching for something in his pocket.

"Here.." he said handing Hailey a piece of paper.

Hailey read it out loud:

"You know why you are reading this, and I want you to read carefully.
I've told you this before, and I'm going to tell you again.
I'm going to be up there with you. If you ever feel like you can't sing, I can take over.

There is nothing to be scared of!

Just remember that I wanted to do this duet because I thought that you are amazing! And you should show your talent to the world!
If people laughed or whisper, just sing louder! Show them that you are better then them! Show them how amazing your voice is! Show them what you are truly passionate about!

Just remember that the club, your parents, me will be there supporting you!

Love you so much
-Jake Xx"

Hailey finished reading it and smiled.
"Your not good at writing messages..but..I understand."

Jake smiled.
"You can do it!"
He started to cry.

"Why are you crying?!" Hailey laughed.
"I don't know!" Jake laughed too.

Hailey looked at Jake who was still confused on why he was crying.

"I love you!" She said giving him a kiss on the lips.

Jake put his hand on her face and wiped her tears away before kissing her back. Hailey wrapped her arms around his neck while Jake held on her face. They separated after a minute and Hailey smiled.

"Your amazing.." she said.
"Your even more amazing, your magical!" Jake said proudly.
"Because, I'm your princess." She smirked.
"Oh~ someone flirting" Jake teased her.

"Anyway," Jake said
"So. Tell me. You.." He said holding Hailey shoulders.
"I can do it!" Hailey exclaimed.
"That's my princess!" Jake hugging her again.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!" Milly exclaimed.
"They are so made for each other!" Daisy Squealed.
"I know right!" Stacy agreed.
"I knew it!" Sadie said.
"I heard them talking once and I thought that they better get married or else." She continued.
"Or else what!" Milly joked.
"Luke will end up marrying Stacey." Sadie grinned getting out her spell book.
"NOOOOOOOOO!" Zander screamed holding onto Luke, Making everyone laugh.
"You just carry that around with you?" Luke worriedly asked.
"Yea." Sadie replied.

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