Chapter 6: The Next Day

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Maku woke up the next day from the sound of his phone ringing. As he woke up more he started to realize that he fell asleep at his desk. He picked up the phone to see who was calling him. It was Sayori.

"H-Hello...?" He said.

"Maku! Where are you? We're gonna be late!" Sayori said.


"Yeah, school starts in twenty minutes!"

"Oh shit... I overslept... L-Look, just go without me, I'll catch up later, okay?"


Maku hung up the phone and started getting ready as fast as possible, finally being done about five minutes before school starts.

"Shit, I really gotta hurry..."

He hastily grabs his bag and runs all the way to school, arriving just a few minutes after school had already started. He walks into the classroom, and sits down next to Yuri, who was also in this class.

"H-Hey Yuri..."

"H-Hi... Y-You're late..."

"Yeah, I worked on that project until well after midnight, so I overslept a bit."

"A-Alright... We're s-still gonna study together, right?"

"Of course. But don't worry about that right now. We still have a lot of the day left until then."


After a few hours, the lecture was over, so Maku and Yuri went to the cafeteria to eat lunch.

"I'm pretty hungry... I didn't have time to eat breakfast, since I overslept." He said.

"H-Hey... Y-You wanna... S-S-Sit together?"

"Hm? Yeah, sure. I don't see why not."

"A-Alright..." Yuri says while blushing.

They get their food and sit down at a table together.

"Oh, hello Yuri, and Maku." Monika said.

"Hi Monika. Would you like to sit with us?" Maku asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Monika said as as sat down next to them.

The three of them talked for a bit while eating their lunch, then separated when the bell rang to go to their classrooms.

"See you both at the club!" Monika said.

"Yeah, see ya." Maku said.

After Maku and Yuri walked in the same direction for a while, Maku noticed something.

"Wait... We have the same lecture again, don't we?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah, I think so..." She responded.

"Math class, right?"

Yuri nodded.

"Well, that's good. That means I get to talk to you for a bit, haha..."

"Y-Y-Yeah..." Yuri said, visibly blushing.

"Hey, your face is getting really red again, do you have a fever or something?"

"I-It's n-nothing, don't w-worry about it!" She said as she looked away to hide her blushing face.

"Ummm... Okay..."

They walk into the classroom and sit down next to each other.

"S-So, should we s-study immediately a-after the club meeting?" Yuri asked.

"That was my plan, yes. If you'd rather do it a bit later, that's okay too." He responded.

"N-No, after the m-meeting is fine..."

"Alright, but for now, focus on the lecture. Don't do what I did yesterday."


After school was over, the two left the classroom and started walking towards the clubroom.

"H-Hey Maku... D-Do you want to maybe... Read w-with me?"

"Sure, that sounds great. What are we reading?"

"Th-This book I'm reading... Th-The Portrait of Markov..."

"Sounds cool, what's it about?"

"I-It's hard to explain... Y-You'll see when w-we read."


They walk into the clubroom, Sayori and Natsuki sitting at their desks, while Monika was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey Sayori, where's Monika?" Maku asked.

"No idea, she's usually here by now..." She said.

Yuri and Maku sit down together at a desk by the window.

"This is a pretty nice view, I can almost see the entire city from here... The suburban part of it, at least." Maku said to Yuri.

"Yeah... I-It is..." She said.

Suddenly, the door bursts open, and Monika comes rushing in.

"Sorry! I was practicing piano, and I lost track of time!" Monika said, visibly exhausted.

"No problem, at least you're here now." Maku responded.

"Well, sorry again, but I didn't really have time to plan anything today, so just read for now." She said.

"That's alright. I'm sure no one here has any problems with that, right?" Maku asked.

"No, of course not." Sayori responded.

"So... No activities?" Natsuki asked.

"Nope, not today." Monika responded.

"It's okay, m-me and Maku will just be reading then." Yuri said.

"Yeah, where's your book, by the way?" Maku asked.

"H-Here." Yuri put the book on the desk.

"Alright." Maku said as he moved his chair closer to Yuri.

"B-By the way... W-Would you like s-some tea?" Yuri asked.

"Sure, if it's not too much trouble for you."

"I-It's not, I was just w-wondering..." Yuri said before getting up and walking over to the closet.

"I'll wait here in the meantime." Maku said as Yuri started preparing the tea.

Author's note:
Well boys and girls, we did it. Over 800 words this chapter. First 700, then 750, and now almost 850. These chapters are only getting longer, huh? Well, that's all I wanted to say. PizzaMozarella out.

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