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Riley's POV
I woke up early today, the wind was strong so it blowed my web hammock over and me out of it which resulted in landing hard on the cold, rough floor. Not my ideal way to wake up. As it was early and I had time I decided to go on a solo patrol. I managed to stop a small shop robbery but other than that it was pretty chill. I have managed to install small speakers into my suits head part and a programme into the eyes area that lets me basically use my phone from any distance but it appears as a phone hologram in my hand, it is functional too so I can press the buttons and stuff. It's really cool. I enjoy the freedom of my suit so much.

I press play on my playlist on Spotify, its called Spider's Patrol The Search by NF plays, I crawl up a taller building and jump of, I do multiple front flips before stretching out of the tuck and launching a web onto the side of a building, with each swing I do some flips and spins just enjoying the calming nature and Vibing with the music playing in my mask.

The alarm on my suit starts buzzing at me, shit its 7. I need to be at school for 8:45 and I have to get changed and find something to eat. I swing to an empty alley and change into some normal clothes before heading to a cafe.

After having a bacon sandwich and some apple juice I set on my journey to school. It's only a 20 minute walk and I have about 35 minutes so I should be fine.

While walking I decide to text Mr frosty.

Morning Mr Frosty!
wait sorry I forgot about your meeting

Mr Frosty:
It's fine kid
there is only 10 minuets left and its super boring
I needed a distraction anyway.


Mr Frosty:
My boyfriend is looking at me
He is giving me a look that says 'what are you doing'

Add him to the chat
It's cool

Mr Frosty:
Well how do I do that?

On your phone it should say add number or add to group
Click it and put in your boyfriends number

Mr Frosty:
Sorted, Thank you

*Mr Frosty has added Unknown to the chat*

Steve what's this?

Mr Frosty:
Babe no real names
Riley call him Winter

*Riley changed Unknown to Winter*
*Winter changed unknown to Riley*

Hello Mr Frosty's (or should I say Steve's) boyfriend
How are you Winter?

I'm good, is Riley your real name?
Steve told me to call you that
Wait Mr Frosty sorry

Yeah Rileys my real name
I hear you and Mr frosty are in a boring meeting

It is very boring

Mr Frosty:
We have been spotted on our phones
We have to go
Bye Riley
Have a good day at school!

Bye Winter and Mr Frosty

I turn my phone off and smile happily, I made two new friends who can't be homophobic, yay! Peter knows I am gay and I figured he has told his friends so thats good, I am glad I don't have to do it, he cant keep a secret to save his life sometimes. I need to get MJ's real number tomorrow, I am glad I managed to make friends with Winter and Mr Frosty though so its cool.

I look around, I am only a few minutes from school, I bop my head lightly, liking the song that is currently playing on my phone.

After entering school and putting what I need to in my locker I find Peter and his friends chilling in the school library as we all have a free period now.

"Hey, I didn't get a text from you, did I give you the wrong number? I think I might have" Mj tells me, I chuckle lightly.

"Yeah, its ok though, I made some friends. I hacked into their phones without them knowing i only found out a little and that's, that neither have a criminal record or anything so I think I should be safe. If not I'll go all spider on them" I state happily. Peter told he that he had accidentally mentioned to his friends about my powers so I roll with what I've got.

"Here, I'll put mine and Ned's number in your phones, I'll make a group chat with all of us on there" MJ tells me and I nod before sitting next to Pete.

"We all have maths together next period right?" Peter question.

"Yeah, How did your meeting go Peter?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, I can't be the guy in the chair if i don't have all the facts!" Ned states excitedly

"Erm, that meeting was about you. About 'The Spider' Nick Fury is kinda mad, he wants you to come to the compound but cant find you like Mr Stark found me. They claim you never stay put long enough. They are planning on catching you I believe. They kicked me out when it got more serious, they had seen a video of us together and told me to tell you they wish to recruit you. When I say us I mean suited us" peter rambles nervous about my response.

I chuckle lightly "Pete, it's fine. Tell them you told me and I just ignored topic or something. I am not ready for that yet. Don't tell them I said that part yet" I respond vaguely. Lying, I don't trust these people and fear what they may do to me

The bell rings and we all head of to maths, I open my phone quickly and see MJ made a group chat called 'Spider crew' I chuckle at the name before putting in my earphones. I already know what we are doing and we are allowed to use phones and earphones in lesson so its chill. Music helps calm my anxiety so I am always listening to music, it gives me something else to focus on the a my thoughts.

"Riley!" I hear someone shout, shit, the teacher shouted at me.

"Yes miss, I'm really sorry. I think I zoned out. What was she question?" I reposed timidly.

"Well I wanted you to answer *Insert complicated maths question* and explain how you got the answer" She tells me, I respond quickly knowing this is an easy question.

"So you *insert complicated maths explanation* and as a result you get *insert complicated maths answer* again sorry for earlier" I say, the teacher looks at me surprised but nods and continues the lesson. I put my earphones back in and zone out again.

Hello readers,
I am going to introduce a few more avengers maybe next chapter into the text I think.
I don't want to rush it but I want to get onto the main part so its a dilemma. Anyway, I hope are enjoying the story.

I kinda have a plan but i'll work it out

Bye! Have a great day/night to whatever time it is when you are reading. Adios!

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