Chapter 2

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"Lord Bridgerton!" I yelled.

"Amelia! My God, you scared me! What are you doing up?"

"I heard a noise, but I could really be asking you the same thing?"

"I was just finding a book to read. I couldn't sleep." He turned around to go back to the bookcases. I walked in closing the door slightly. "You know you can call me by my name, right? We've known each other for years"

"Yeah, I just figured I would rather be too formal than too informal." He just nodded in response to me. "How are things going with Miss Edwina? She seems wonderful."

"Well. They're going well," he replied curtly. He paused as he saw my confused expression. " I'm sorry. It's just my mother seems to be 'encouraging' me to propose while everyone's visiting."

"And is that a problem?" I inquired.

"No, I'm sure of marrying her. I just... I don't know. I should be going." He began to hurry towards the door, moving past me.

"I'm happy you're happy, Anthony. I hope marriage works out well for you both. If you ever need someone to talk to, just know I'm here. Just like the good ol' days, remember?" He smiled and left abruptly.

I wasn't as close in age to Anthony as I was with Daphne and Eloise, but we used to be friends. Before his father died and we moved, him, his siblings and I used to get together every Sunday afternoon to play while our mothers had tea and gossiped. We'd always talk about being friends all our life because we all felt like family. After his father died though, he became distant. Granted he had more responsibility over his family suddenly and he was dealing with grief, but he rarely opened up about what was happening in his head and heart. His feelings came out as frustration and sadness, like he had lost all of the love he had ever felt for anyone. That was in exception for his youngest sibling. He felt pity for them because they'll never know their father as he knew him. However, he failed to realize that he was that person to them, and they loved and admired them him just as much as he did his father.

After he left, I blew out the candle in the library and went to bed.

The next morning, I got myself ready and began going downstairs for breakfast when Anthony stepped out of his room, also going downstairs.

"Good morning," he stated, " I thought about what you said last night and I would like to talk to you sometime soon actually. Would after breakfast be well for you?"

Surprised, I agreed and we headed down the stairs into the dining hall.

Eloise was sat eating some fruit and drinking tea. "Amelia! I'm so glad you're up. I was wondering if you'd like to go for a walk with myself this morning. I'd love to hear your thoughts on Lady Whistledown. We didn't have a chance to discuss it last night."

"I'd love to, but I'm not exactly sure who she is," I said.

"She's a writer as a gossip columnist. Do you not get her letters at your home?"

"Afraid not, but I'd love to hear what you have to say. You could explain to me what she talks about. I have something to attend to after breakfast, but I can come with you afterwards."

Eloise and I finished breakfast and we both went to the sitting room to read. I also waited for Anthony there. The rest of the family and Sharmas had began enjoying breakfast when we had left. A couple minutes later Anthony entered the room. He seemed as flustered as he was last night.

He turned to Eloise, "Eloise, would you mind stepping out for a few minutes. I'd like to discuss something with Amelia quickly."

"Anthony, we're practically sisters! Anything that you'd like to say to Amelia you can say to me too," she huffed.

He looked at me clearly wanting to speak alone, but I honestly wasn't sure how I'd feel about that. I liked Anthony, but I know what could happen if we were seen alone and I did not want to be involved in any situation of that sort. He is my friend and just that. I liked him more as teenagers, but times have changed and I haven't thought much of it, especially with him courting Edwina.

"Fine," he said quite matter of fact, "Amelia, may we talk another time? I'd really like to speak to only you."

"Sure. Is everything alright? You seem-"

"I am well, thank you," he cut me off, "Have a nice walk."

Eloise and I ventured out into the garden. It was such a beautiful day. The warm sun danced on the lake and shown through the trees lining the walkway. I always loved visiting here as a children, but now I can appreciate the beauty surrounding the grounds as well.

Eloise has been unusually quiet for the last few minutes, ever since we left the home. Suddenly she spoke up, "Ok, what was that all about?"


"In the sitting room? With Anthony? That didn't seem odd to you?"

"I mean a little bit, but I feel like I hardly know him anymore so I thought that was just normal now."

"I can assure you it's not. I mean, yeah, he gets flustered and demanding from time to time, but I've never seen him... back down. Especially to me." She seemed genuinely concerned for her brother, which makes me wonder if he was actually as fine as he says he is. "Anyways, Lady Whistledown!" she continued. Eloise and I spoke and sat on a bench near the lake for a long time, however the entire time I couldn't help, but wonder what on earth Anthony needed to talk about.

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