Chapter 2

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She knew before she opened her eyes that something had changed. Really, it was hard not to notice that she now had many more appendages, and not least of all, wings. She stretched and hit against walls on all sides. Kicking with her back claws, she heard a distinctive crack. She stilled as she had the brilliant thought of finally realizing that she was in an egg. Well, what was the rush then? She languidly turned around, pushing her snout to the crack she had created, and sniffed the air. Pushing her front foreleg on a part of the "wall" beside the crack, she shoved with all her strength. The "wall" suddenly gave in with a startlingly loud crack, and Luna fell forward with it, landing snout first. 

"Take it easy. You are not going mad. We are all in the same boat."

She debated how to respond to the voice in her head, and while looking around, she spotted another dragon, presumably the speaker. Luna was, admittedly, disappointed as she realized that, by "dragon-ish creature", the goon from before meant that she would be turned into a tiny winged lizard. Now the million dollar question was whether or not a "dragon-ish" creature could breathe fire. This probably wasn't the best place to try it though, considering she was in a tiny cage, with a potentially flammable egg beside her. Now her logic decided to work. She huffed and stared at the blue dragon, as he seemed to be the tour guide for this place.

"It's good that you're not panicking. Concentrate on me and try to think at me. I will be able to hear your mindvoice if you try to send it. You will also start to hear other voices. That is the general mindlink where anyone can talk. Just imagine a wall between it and you, and it will block the voices. Just keep my voice on your side of the wall or you won't be able to hear me either."

It actually made a lot of sense for winged lizard to communicate telepathically. "Testing 1, 2, 3"

"I hear you, loud and clear."

"Why are there so many of us here?"

"None of us are here by choice-"

"Wait, we aren't?"

He eyed her, "We were kidnapped. Weren't you?"

"Well I was kidnapped too but I am mildly enjoying being a winged lizard."

"What about all the downsides of being a 'winged lizard'? You got experimented upon!"

"There are always downsides and upsides. Besides, it could've been much worse."

"I guess..."  he trailed off.

"I remember overhearing that I would lose all my memories. Why haven't I?"

 "We all remember our pasts perfectly, but don't let them find out you have a human mind. We overheard that we would be put down if we showed any signs that our memories and minds are still intact. They're convinced we're all animals at this point so try to act like an animal. Don't let them find out."

She wouldn't have to worry about the mind being intact part, but she was curious as humans are animals too. She asked the blue dragon, and he glared at her, telling her to not blow their cover. Luna agreed, and settled upon being mellow and quiet when she gets taken and observed by the scientists. After all, there are many animals whose first instinct isn't fight or flight, but rather to stretch out and to take a nap. She would be on alert of course though, which would be easier if she got some sleep. She went over to the food and water bowls, and after eating and drinking, bid the blue dragon a good night or good morning, or whatever time of day it was at the moment.

As she drifted off, she wondered drowsily if she could keep the wall that blocked the general mindlink up while she was asleep.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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