Chapter 15 The Enemy

Start from the beginning

Yuka: Wha—!?

Everyone except Sora and his party let out a gasp of surprise. His smile turned into a triumphant grin, which only made his voice grow stronger.

Yukitoshi: I went alone to the northern mountain range to brainwash monsters. But while I was over there, I met a demon. I was wary at first, but... the demon just wanted to talk to me. And they were the first one who understood. Who understood my true worth. That was why... I made a contract with them.

Aiko: A contract... you say? What kind of contract?

Aiko was shaken at the fact that one of her own students had made a deal with the enemy. But more than that, she was furious. She was convinced it was the demon that had led her student astray. However, Shimizu simply grinned maniacally and gave the most disheartening answer she could've possible heard.

Yukitoshi: A contract... to kill you, Hatayama-sensei.

Aiko: Eh?

For a second, Aiko couldn't even comprehend what Shimizu had just said. The others were the same, but they recovered from their shock faster than Aiko. They glared at Shimizu with eyes full of rage. He shrunk back in the face of their unbridled hate, then desperately continued talking in an attempt to shake off their glares.

Yukitoshi: What's with that dumb look? Did you really think the demons were just ignoring you guys? There's no way they could have ignored you, you're even more of a threat than the hero

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Yukitoshi: What's with that dumb look? Did you really think the demons were just ignoring you guys? There's no way they could have ignored you, you're even more of a threat than the hero. The demon told me that if I killed you... if I killed the fertility goddess along with the rest of the town, that I'd be recognized as a hero. That was the deal.

The corner of Shimizu's mouth twitched, and he continued in an increasingly louder voice.

Yukitoshi: They told me. They told me my power was the strongest. That it was a waste for me to languish beneath the hero. They actually understood. They gave me all these super strong monsters, and the strength to make a huge army... so I thought that... that I'd be able to kill you for sure! So why!? How!? How did you beat my army!? Where did you get those kinds of weapons in a fantasy world!? Just... Just what the hell are you!?

At first he'd been sneering, looking down on the students and Aiko, but as he continued his tirade Shimizu's expression grew more and more angry, and by the end of it he was yelling at Sora and not Aiko.

A hint of irritation, hatred, and jealousy slipped into his expression, along with the weariness, the fear, and the odd sense of superiority. However, what eclipsed it all was the insanity in his voice.

It would seem that Shimizu hadn't even realized the gray-haired boy was his classmate, Sora Yatagami. Though seeing as he'd never said a single word to him, perhaps it wasn't all that surprising. He glared at Sora with hatred so fierce that it wouldn't have surprised Sora if he'd leaped at him then and there.

Aiko: Shimizu. Just calm down.

Yukitoshi: Wh-What the fuck!? Get away from me!

He tried to shake Aiko off, but she strengthened her grip, making it clear that she wasn't going to let go.

He who defy Gods (Arifureta X OC/Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now