PLANTONIC!CHILD!sun/moon x reader

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HEADS UP! I DONT OWN THIS AU!!! im writing headcanons for another au

(inspired by (skytress) and @maudiemoods)

because i saw their sun and moon baby things 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺



- You honestly never expected to be looking after 2 trouble makers who use to be professionals at looking after children.

- Sun LOVES your affection! He would follow you everywhere you go, Give you things as gifts, Sit on your lap while you watched tv, And always touches your stuff.

- Sun has a energized 5 year old vibe, He would quite actually climb the walls, He would make messes with your stuff.

- Jealous boy? YES! If you were to ever tell him you had a girlfriend/boyfriend, he would wail and cry on the floor because he doesn't like 'sharing'.

- Sure he would be crawling on walls like a fucking DEMON, He would never hurt a fly! Unless they hurt YOU. He's a protective baby.

- If he ever found out you were sick,He would stick by your bed attending medical attention to you if needed.

- Sun could 'talk' but sometimes they just start sounding like babbles, You can't understand half the things he says.

- HE LOVVEESSSS to draw, Especially YOU! He draws you a lot because you give him so much inspiration.

- Sure he misses his old life we're he was bigger than you and could cuddle you non-stop, BUT! He's happy right here! Not having to worry about children! STAFF! Anyone! it's just you, him! ...... And moon....

- If sun accidentally hurt you, Oh hell he would make sure you came out of that situation looking like a FINE LAD.

- Remember when i said that sun doesn't like to share? i mean he doesn't like to share with moon either because... The boys are jealous.

- Sometimes sun still wonders where eclipse is right now.

- Sun likes to do surprise attacks, especially when you expect it the least, he does, Hug attacks, BaNaNa attacks (maudiemoods this 2 u)and tickle attacks .



- Very sleepy boi.

- He learned how to grow up to you, So hes like a attached boy now.

- He misses how he could be able to sweep you off your feet and force you to sleep.

- He no no share, Hes a protective baby, and could and will hurt anyone who try's to hurt you.

- His 1# Goal is to make your sleep schedule better, even if it kills him.

- If you were ever sick or injured he would sit by you and wait until you either feel better or feeling a bit ok, Sometimes he'll hug you and not let go.

- Moons not really a drawer but he likes to draw sometimes when he's extremely bored, He only draws You and him doing fun stuff while sun would either be sad or not in the picture.

-Moon surprise attack?! yes all the attacks even a sleep attack Yes.

-He and sun would sometimes get physical with eachother, so of course you have to stop them, Maybe sometimes fixing some bad damage that may was caused.

-He will find all opportunity's to sleep with you, Even when you are daydreaming or some shit.

- Moon loves your affection also, He likes to lay his head on your hand sometimes, He gifts you moondrop merchandise and moondrop candies, He sometimes keeps his business out of your stuff.

- If you were to ever tell moon you had a girlfriend/boyfriend moon would loose his s h i t, Prob kill them!

- Moon can talk perfectly fine, Sometimes it may sound like babbles but it's mostly clear.



EEEYYYYYYYYYYYYEYEYYEYE like i promised i would post it either tonight or tommorow here it is :D

imma head to sleep now good night 😪😪😪😪😴😴😴😴😴😴  

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