⚠️Rock star and Parfait⚠️

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First story let's gooo!
Requested by: @BandoriFan
Content has:
-verbal @bVs£

•_UnWanted fan base_•

•_Third person_•

It was late, Parfait cookie had gotten a email from her brothers manager asking for her to sing with Rock Star for his first concert of the year 2022. The email said to go to the airport to wait for them. She was only a little to young for a car, she was 17 and Korea's legal driving age was 18. She asked her girlfriend, DJ, to driver her there to pick up her brother. She's figure they'll just get a rental once he got there

•_Time skip - A few hours_•

Rock Star had finally gotten off the plane and met Parfait. They've gotten the rental like Parfait figured and they were off to the the place the concert was going being held for a quick tour.
"So... how was the US?"
"Good. How has the kingdom been treating you?"
"Amazing! All the cookies here are so nice, the food is great, and all there are so many places to see! Oh an-" Rock Star cuts her off before she can continue. "That's great. Do you know any good hotels near the place?" "5 stars? No... all the hotels in the kingdom aren't all that great. One of them haves a gummy worms infection in one of the second floor rooms. Another one, I think, had toilet issues for the first floor. The hotels here ain't that great." She looks down as she plays with an accessory on her phone case before continuing. "The sugar gnomes are trying to fix it the gummy worm one but they need proper tools. HEYYY— You can stay with me!!" Rock Star looses grip of the steering wheel, grabbing it before he crashes the car. "ME, STAY WITH YOU?!? Look Par, I love you, But I'm not staying at your house for an entire three weeks." The excitement quickly drains from Parfaits face as she looks at her brother. "But why? You have nowhere else to go... and we haven't seen each other in so long." "It doesn't matter. I'm not staying with you."

The two never really had a great relationship. Whenever Parfait would want to play Rock Star would always be 'busy' learning guitar. The only real way they'd hangout is if their parents forced Rock to help Parfait learn guitar. It was the only time they ever hung out as kids outside of family events or gatherings. Even so he would always be trying to impress their older family members with his guitar skills. Parfait stopped trying to impress Rock Star once he moved for his music career.

•_Time skip - 1 week later_•

Rock Star took a deep breath as he looks out into the audience from the certain, Parfait on the other hand was fixing her toppings to make sure she looked perfect. She knew if she could sing in front of hundreds of cookies on another side of a screen alone, she could sing on stage for thousands of more strangers with her brother. They'd practice for over a week anyways, much longer than Parfait had in between streams, so she knew she would be fine. Besides, she sang at the music festival... which was just three kids in the rain... she would be more than fine!

"Ok Parfait, you almost ready?" Someone says from behind her. "Almost! I just need a little more makeup." "Ok. Just be ready in 2 minutes." They leave the two siblings alone. Parfait gets up and looks out the certain with her brother, who was counting the the fan banners. "You see anyone familiar Rock?" She puts her hand on the side of the heavy fabric, pulling it from her face. As she looks out the overly large crowd hit her with anxiety. Over 3,000 cookies in the crowd, way over 3,000 actually. "Not that many. Weird huh?" Rock star looks over to Parfait who was holding onto her guitar tightly. "Par? You good? You said you sang at the music festival, was that not true?" He let's go of the certain. "N-No... I did sing at the festival-" ok then? What's the problem?"
"There were only three cookies there... it was raining. Don't you remember?" "Not really. I don't really care to remember smaller concerts, especially ones that go wrong." "Oh... well, three cookies aren't really compared to over 5,000..." "About 7,548 plus 645 banners. Kinda small" "Small-? SMALL?! OVER 7,000 COOKIES, AND YOU CALL THAT SMALL?!?" Parfait let's go of the certain and fully faces Rock Star. "Ok maybe not that small- a little over large." He puts his hands in his pants pockets as he looks to the side in slight embarrassment.

... it felt unsafe ...

"You two will be on in half a minute! Hurry up!"

A voice was heard in the distance, grabbing the twos attention. "A little?" Parfait looks over her shoulder to where the echo was heard from. She looks back at Rock, worried. "Just, don't ruin my show." Rock grabs his guitar from the desk and waits for the signal to go out on stage. Once it's given, the two slowly move from behind the stage. Parfait walks slightly slower than Rock. He waited for her to get closer before saying anything. Once she did Rock Star spoke out into the microphone, sending the crowd wild again. Parfait couldn't hear anything but her ears ringing. She was brought back into reality as she felt a tug from her sleeve. It was her brother, he was holding a mic to her face. Grabbing it, she waves hello and turns to her brother, who was behind her, already in place for the first song. After the first one was finished Rock left Parfait alone on stage Confused, Parfait chases after him.

"Rock! Wait up-" She moves the certain from her way. Rock Star faces away from her, head down, hands closed."Ruined, again." "Huh..?" Parfait reaches her hand out for her brothers shoulder before taking it back as Rock Star turns around. "AGAIN! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!" Stunned by the statement, Parfait stumbles back a few steps leading to a childish fall onto the floor. "W-What? What do you mean? I didn't ruin anything for you-? WE'VE NEVER INTERACTED WITHIN THE LAST 4 YEARS, AND I FUCK SOMETHING UP?!?" Rock Star had snapped "YOU WHERE THE FAVORITE CHILD, I HAD TO LEARN THE FUCKING GUITAR IN ORDER TO IMPRESS SOMEONE INSIDE OUR FAMILY! AND YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SO COOL THAT YOU MADE ME TEACH YOU LESSONS ON SHIT I WAS FREE HANDING!" Parfait could feel tears in her eyes, it was the only time he ever raised his voice at her without their parents to watch and discipline him after. She felt like she finally done something wrong.

Rock Star noticed and commented on it. "OH DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THAT- WHENEVER I said no to you, YOU WOULD ALWAYS FUCKING CRY. It doesn't matter what it was. I always had to apologize." He looked down at her, she was holding her guitar as if it was her favorite plush toy when she was 5. She was scared, confused. Rock Star knew he fucked up the second he opened is mouth. He immediately tried comforting her, she'd only turned away in fear of being physically hurt. He'd realize he fucked up. "I-I'm sorry-" He reaches his hand out. "All I wanted was to be with my cooler older brother..." she whimpered as Rock Star finally comforted her, hugging her. "I'm sorry, there there... I should've known better..." He pats Parfait on in the head, stroking her hair. She always found it comforting to have an older family member brush her hair. "I should be apologizing..." Parfait looks at the certain from behind her brothers shoulders and she calms down "You should go back out and sing without me... at least until I'm ready to go back out." Rock star almost breaks the hug, confused. "Why? Don't you want to sing?" "My make up is ruined, and the audience is probably confused. Just, go and sing without me. I can rejoin when the next song is ready."

Rock Star stands there, he agrees. He grabs his guitar and leaves Parfait alone. As he sings Parfait redoes her makeup and toppings back in place. The rest of the concert does smoothly with little to no mess ups in the song that they couldn't improvise out of. The two ending the event off with a meet-n-greet with both Rock, and Parfaits fans. It was a rather successful concert.


1443 Words total (not including anything after the extra)
God this took longer then I expected, but oh well. Can't rush decent writing! This is actually longer then most of my wonderland content on my old account 😰😰😰 lol oh well.

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