i was confused

but i was in love so
when he asked for

u know


i did them

i started feeling
gross and used but
he said he loved me
and i loved him so

how could it be wrong?

chrispy: oh god

sadie: that's not the
worse part chris

i told him i was
uncomfortable doing
that stuff w him but he
said that's what a good
girlfriend did

so he kind of


would manipulate me?

into doing shit

he then started controlling
some aspects of my life,
like my hair, makeup, the
way i dressed, how i talked

i hated myself

he started saying i wasn't
pretty enough for him so
i should be grateful i could
score a guy like him

chrispy: what

sadie: my manager
noticed i wasn't myself

so she took me to
therapy and i realized
what a piece of shit mason

it took me a while to
breakup with him tho

i was scared to be alone

i still am ig

i think even after all of
that therapy and love
and support that came after
our breakup, he still took
a part of me im never going
to be able to have back

and i hate him for that

im scared of being alone
because of him and what he
said to me

i was a kid

chrispy: you've probably
heard this a thousand times
but im so sorry sadie

you didn't deserve that

sadie: it was fucked

chrispy: yes it was

and how are u now?

sadie: im alr


meeting u was somewhat
what i needed

chrispy: what do u

sadie: i have no idea

i just

i was numb before
i met you

like, no matter how
cute or hot or whatever
a guy was, i couldn't feel

but i just don't know
how i feel about you

it's confusing

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