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Author's pov:

After engagement ceremony as requested jeon's went to Sharma's mansion.let's see what happened that night.

Flashback start

The sky is in the mixture of blue and orange colour almost purplish,the sun is going down to rest slowly .the sky is looking beautiful just like our new engaged couple.

jeon's and Sharma's on their way home,during the ride both families made engaged couple sit in the same car.

Jungkook is sitting on the window side beside him Taehyungi sat.tae is looking down while playing with her ring too shy to even look up making kook smile.he slowly took her hand into his hand softly making her bite her lower lip while smiling shyly.

Kook:are you okay bun(softly only for her to hear)

Tae:(nodded shyly)y-yeah

Kook:then look at me.

Tae slowly looked up at him only to see him staring at her with love and adoration filled eyes making her shy.

Kook:are you shy bub

Tae nodded

Kook: can i know what made my babe shy(caressing her hand with his thumb softly)

Tae:you(whispers shyly)

Kook chuckled softly and kissed her knuckles making her red tomato

During the ride they didn't talk to eachother,just enjoyed eachother presence.after sometime they reached home and went inside.

Jinie:jimini will show you guys ur room,i will show the rooms for junghoon and Han ga in and tae go and show your husband i mean fiance his room(said but a hint of tease at last making every one laugh and tae blush)

Tae:o-ok(looking down)

Tae gestured kook to follow her, she opened the door of the room.

Tae:this is your room hope you like it(fidgeting with fingers while looking down)

Jungkook looked around the room and then looked at tae who is still looking down.

He looked around if anyone there and pulled her inside the room and closed the door pinning her to the door by holding her by waist.tae gasped at that and looked at him with her hands on his chest.

Tae:k-koo wha-t are you d-doing(blush)

Kook:just holding my wife -i mean fiance cause i can't hold her infront of every one right(whispers while looking in her eyes)

Tae smiled shyly at that while looking down.

Kook:look at me pup(lifting her chin)i missed you


Kook:well i didn't get to talk to you and listen to your beautiful voice(whisper softly)

Tae blushed hearing it.

Kook:wae didn't you miss me?(titled his head to look down at her)

Tae:i-i m-missed y-you t-too(whisper slowly kook won't hear if he isn't near her)

Kook smiled widely hearing her and was about to say something.

Jinie: TAEBEAR (from downstairs)

Tae immediately pushed kook gently and rushed out of the room and

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 ♥︎ || 𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐊𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐅𝐅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें