She eventually dried the few tears while standing to her feet, "I want to be free, mentally I'm running away from this suffering, this darkness, this heartache..."

"Laurielle please," he stood up as well and placed his hands on each side of her face, her glossy eyes began to fill with tears again "I'm so sorry."

"You should be," her voice cracked as she pushed him backwards a bit, eventually breaking— she continued to shove at his chest as he encouraged intending for her to release all of her anger

She needed to let go, she had been holding everything in for the longest time. With more force, her shoving became overly aggressive as she sobbed harder until she didn't have an ounce of fight left,

Collapsing against him, she buried her face into his chest as he held her close and gently rubbed circles into her back, "I'm so proud of you for finally standing your ground, especially when it comes down to me. You needed that breakthrough..."

He pulled back to look at her tear stained face, "None of this was your fault, you were the perfect fiancé. It's all on me and I will admit that I was wrong, I just pray that one day you'll forgive me."

Drawing each other in with their eyes, they both inclined forwards meeting in the center with a sensual kiss— warmth blossomed in Laurielle's chest, but all the while she envisioned kissing the man she so desperately desired, and that man wasn't Cameron.

He hoisted her into the air allowing her legs to securely wrap around his waist, shortly after that he laid her body against the sofa,

She squirmed underneath him as he left a trail of kisses along her neck, slowly lifting her shirt he kissed upwards stopping at her breasts as he gently squeezed them causing a moan to escape her lips.

"August..." she whispered unintentionally

Once she had realized what she had said, her eyes shot open as Cameron held an unpleasant expression on his face, although he was evidently pissed she was glad because the last thing she wanted to do was sleep with him,

Sighing to herself she fixed her shirt before sitting up, "Cameron I—"

"You lied to me,"

"I didn't lie I just—"

"Didn't tell the whole truth? Give it to me now then, are you or are you not seeing someone else Laurielle?"

"I can't explain our situation because it's so complicated, August and I have spent some time together but there isn't like a title or anything, at least not yet. I should've been honest about it when you asked, I know."

"Can't fault you for trying to get payback,"

"This isn't a tit for tat type of thing Cameron, you've moved on so why can't I? What am I supposed to do, just mope around and be sad for the rest of my life? I don't think so..."

"Whatever," he stood up while looking down on her in disgust "I definitely don't want you now after that, you done gave it up to another man."

"Excuse you? I happen to respect myself a little more unlike some people," she said referring to him "Nothing ever happened Cameron, get over yourself."

"You expect me to believe that with the way you just moaned this man's name, in my face!?"

"Did that hurt?" she folded her arms with sass as he chuckled

"Wanna know the real reason why I started cheating on you, it's because you're boring— especially in the bedroom. I need a woman who's open to a variety of things, you're a plain Jane when it comes down to everything honestly."

"You bastard," she shook her head before standing up, and marching towards the front door "Get the hell out of my house."

"As you wish." he held his hands up in surrender "Oh, and good luck on trying to convince August that we're not still working on us,"

"What are you talking about Cameron?"

"He may have called the day I brought you home from the hospital, and while I was making your food I answered your phone..."

"Are you crazy!? What did you say to him!?"

"It wasn't me that he was upset with, it was you— after all Lauri, you're not seeing anyone." he winked and finally made his exit by slamming her door

Laurielle quickly ran to get her phone and dialed August's number, she paced back and forth hoping to get an answer but there wasn't one,

She cursed out loud while running her fingers through her hair, Andrea was right.

Cameron had put the knife into her back yet again, and now it has potentially cost her the relationship with August.

Her only other option was to show up in Idyllwild uninvited, would he even consider hearing her out?

"What if he never wants to speak to me again, God please..." she grabbed her car keys and headed out

Two hours felt like thirty minutes to her as she entered Idyllwild; Pulling up to his home she hopped out and wasted no time banging on the door, "August! Open the door please I need to talk to you!"

She hadn't gotten an answer, so she went around to the window and before she could bang on it, she noticed that the home was empty, all of his art, the books, everything was gone—

August was gone.

• • •

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