Why Severus Sucks

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You might be saying rn: "BuT hE wAs a gOod gUy" 
But stfu 
Snape bullied children, Neville specifically, to the point that he was their greatest fear (Prisoner of Azkaban) 
Like he even criticized Hermione because she was a Muggle 
He criticized Harry for being James' son 
Before you say: "Oh, iT's beCauSe tHey reMinDed hIm oF lIlY" 
Stfu again 
Why would he bully people who reminded him of the girl he loved? 
Oh wait, it wasn't love, it was OBSESSION 
He had a Doe patronus, like Lily, which proves my point that he was obsessed with her 
He even called her a MUDBLOOD 

Conclusion: Fuck Snily, Jily better. Stay mad 

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