The Bike Shop

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Words: 791

Notes: This was supposed to be Takemichi's Birthday Special But I decided to make another story about that

No Ones POV

It was a normal day in the Ryuguji household. We're you can see both a man and his male wife chatting along. Right before, the male wife pushed him out encouraging to go to work and jabe a good day. Forgetting about the bento box he prepared for said husband.

Takemichi POV

After closing the door. I mentally sighed. Draken-kun may look like a tough guy but his a huge softie on the inside. It can be unbearable sometimes.  That's when I noticed it.

I gasped. THE BENTO BOX! I forgot all about it. Oh if it wasn't for us chatting away I would have removed. THAT STUPID MAN! Making me forget his lunch. Ugh. It was already to late as he had already pulled out the driveway to go work.

I walked up stairs and opened up my closet and chose a simple outfit.  Simple but sweet. The perfect combination. Then I went an grabbed my hair pick and picked out my hair. Then grabbed a flat ironed it and put it in a clip. I grabbed my ring and slip them on my finger. Then putting on the other accessories I bought.
And was ready to go.

(Outfit +  Wedding Ring)

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(Outfit +  Wedding Ring)

(Hair [The clip is actually white] + The Other Accessories [Earing and Ring])

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(Hair [The clip is actually white] + The Other Accessories [Earing and Ring])

[This is totally random but I like black/blasin michi, just imagining it my inspiration goes haywire]

I walked down the staries and grabbed my bag and the bento box. I made sure i had everything in my bag. My makeup bag (just in case), My phone, and my keys. I proceeded to walk out to my Ford Explorer.

I sat everything into the passages side and pulled off.As I was driving someone had the nerve to stop a yellow light. I was fuming but I didn't let that mess me up. I pull up to D&D Motorcycle Shop.

I turned off my car and pulled out my flip phone. I then start text Draken that I am outside. I grabbed his lunch and my purse wifh my phone in it and got out. I went to the building. I opened the door and saw Draken working on a Motorcycle. I knew he hadn't picked up his phone yet by how much concentration he was putting into the bike.

I simply walk over and tap him on the shoulder. His reflexs kicked in and he almost slapped me away. Luckily he stopped when he saw it was me. "Don't do that again, I almost could have hurt you." He inquired

"I know I just wanted to see if you still got it in you" I aimed right back at him. I smiled then handed him his lunch. He looked shocked but accepted it. I waited in my spot until he grabbed a rag and wiped his hand with it. He knows how much I hate oil type stuff on me the only exception if for my hair.

We kissed and then I kissed him on the cheek. I was walking away when I heard the door open. It was probably a customer here to pick up there bike so I paid them no mind. Until I heard him say "Damn, Nice ass"

I looked behind me to see him staring straight at it. I don't think he saw the ring on my finger but I let it slide. But boy did he keep going. He followed my until I stopped at the door and turned around. "How about I get your number cutie."

I looked at him up and down then said "Sure let me get some paper then I write it down." I grabbed some old paper from my purse and used my leg to write down 9-1-1. I folded it up and told him "Open it later"

Did he actually think I was going to give him my number. Ha! Men are so gullible. I walked out and went to my car. I opened the door put my stuff on the passagers seat then. Heard my phone go off.

It was from my husband. 'I don't know what I just witnessed but you better be prepared to be punished tonight' I keep reading the texted over and over again. Then I remembered Draken use to always look at my ass as I walked out of any room he would called it a "blessing from heaven"

He probay saw me give my "number" to that guy and was upset about it. Oh well atleast I am getting dick tonight.



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