Chaptet 4

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"Someone" Akaashi said.

"Wow, would of never guessed." Tsukishima said.

"I think I know who you like." Oikawa smirked. "A certain someone who was at your house?"

Akaashi blushed harder, "Umm... Yes he has been at my house a few times."

"Who?" Bokuto questioned.

"Well, who has been at my house a couple of times Bokuto." Akaashi said.

"Hmm..." Bokuto thought to himself.

"And I thought Kageyama was the oblivious one." Daichi whispered into Sugawara's ear, Suga chuckled.

"Well the only person I know who has been to your house a couple of times is me." Bokuto said.

"I don't know if Bokuto is just stupid, or if he is actually friendzoneing Akaashi." Suna whispered to Osamu.

"And?" Akaashi said.

Bokuto looked at Akaashi and smiled. "Of course I know you like me Akaashi." Bokuto winked.

"Heh?" Akaashi blurted out, eyes widen.

"I mean, I never had any thoughts of cuddling with Kuroo." Bokuto said. "And he is my best bro!"

Akaashi let out a sigh and smiled, "You're right Bokuto." Akaashi said.

"So you are telling me, you two have cuddled before?" Oikawa asked.

"Yeah! We were cuddling when you called Akaashi to come here early and help out!" Bokuto said.

"Ew." Tsukishima said.

Akaashi grabbed onto Bokuto's hand, "Bokuto... Do you like me?" Akaashi asked.

Bokuto thought for a moment and smiled, "Once the bottle hits me, I will give my answer."


Akaashi, still holding Bokuto's hand, grabs the bottle and gives it a spin. Round and round it goes it hits Atsumu.

"Me again?" Atsumu cried.

"Well now ya have to tell us who yer crush is." Osamu said.

"Nuhuh." Atsumu grabs the bottle and spins it, but Osamu stops it.

"Tsumu, ya have to tell us." Osamu said.

"Nuhuh." Atsumu said, taking the bottle away from Osamu.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Osamu said, "Say no?"

"Yuhuh." Atsumu spins the bottle, but this time Sakusa stops the bottle.

"Oh I guess it landed on me." Sakusa said.

Atsumu's eyes widen, "That's an interference Omi, give it back and let me spin it again."

Sakusa gives the bottle to Atsumu, and their fingers accidently touch. Atsumu tries hard not to show any signs of weakness.

Sakusa chuckles a bit, "You know I can tell, Atsumu."

Atsumu gives Sakusa a dirty look, "No you don't." Atsumu spins the bottle, but Sakusa stops it again.

"Yes I can." Sakusa said.

Atsumu doesn't say anything this time and just aggressively grabs the bottle and spins it again. Osamu sitting there smirking at the interaction Sakusa and Atsumu just had. Round and round it goes, and it lands on Oikawa.

"Oikawa, kiss me!" Atsumu yelled.

Oikawa smiles, "Oh? You wanna kiss me?" He asked Atsumu.

"Yes." Atsumu said.

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